Chapter 6~ A memory that never leaves

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Author POV

Y/n had woken up, and was in the kitchen cooking when she heard Mincha small cry. She turned the stove off and ran upstairs to NamJoon's room. Mincha smiled as she saw Y/n entering the room.

"Good Morning sweetie." Y/n said as she hugged Mincha in her arms. Mincha cuddle herself into Y/n's warm embrace.

Y/n chuckled as Mincha looked for NamJoon to come through the door but when he didn't she sat up and said,

"How much longer before daddy comes home Mommie?" She asked as she played with Y/n's hair. Y/n chuckled before kissing her forehead.

"Soon princess. Just three more days." Y/n said before she took Mincha into the bathroom.

NamJoon had been gone for three days now and Mincha was bonding with Y/n a lot more. They would do everything together, which made Y/n happy. She had really become attach to Mincha and she couldn't see herself without her. After getting her ready for the day, they both went to the kitchen. Y/n put Mincha into her highchair as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. She smiled brightly before answering the call.

"Joonie!!" Y/n said cheerfully causing NamJoon to smile showing off his dimples.

"Does my baby miss me that much?" He asked in a soft tone as Y/n laughed before showing him Mincha. Mincha was in the middle of stuffing a pancake in her mouth when she saw NamJoon she smiled.

"Daddy!!" She yelled in excitement. NamJoon smiled brighter.

"How have you been Princess?" NamJoon asked as Mincha smiled.

"I miss you daddy, Mommie misses you too she talks about you all the time." Mincha said cheerfully as Y/n eyes widen.

"Is that so, what else has mommie been doing." NamJoon asked in a questioning tone as Y/n glared at him.

"Mommie, cooks, clean and spends time with me." Mincha said cheerfully while picking up her pancake. Y/n and NamJoon both chuckled at Mincha cuteness. Y/n kissed Mincha forehead before sitting on the counter and talking to NamJoon.

"How was your day Joonie?" She asked as she smiled. NamJoon let down his barrier and Y/n facial expression changed.

"Terrible babe, hopefully I can be back home on Friday." He said as Y/n sighed. She blew him a kiss making him laugh.

"I'll call you later okay, Mincha and I are going to eat our breakfast together okay." She said as they both said their goodbyes before ending the call.

After putting Mincha to bed Y/n called Jin, she knew that NamJoon couldn't focus on his work because he wanted to be at home with them. Once she called Jin they had it all plan out, Y/n and Mincha would fly in on Friday. Jin would pick them up from the airport and they would surprise NamJoon when Jin went to pick him up from his last meeting on Friday. Y/n begin packing up there stuff while Mincha was still sleeping. Y/n couldn't wait to see NamJoon and she knew Mincha would very excited too.

NamJoon on the other hand was going through the motions. He couldn't concentrate anymore all he could think about was Y/n. He wanted to be with her after what had happen. They didn't have time to fix the problem they had encounter that day and it was bothering him. He had yelled at her when he was looking for his passport. Y/n had put it in one of his bags and had forgotten to tell him so he was late that for his flight and first meeting. He walked out of the meeting room making SeokJin sat up immediately as he noticed the anger in NamJoon's eyes.

SeokJin knew that Y/n visit would definitely make NamJoon week a little easier. He knew that NamJoon was still upset about yelling at her and not being able to apologize to her. He was glad that his best friend had finally found a woman who would not only love him but care for Mincha too. Mincha needed that mother figure in her life and Y/n was doing an amazing job at fulfilling it.  SeokJin sighed deeply as he got into the vehicle listening to NamJoon ranting about the meeting. SeokJin knew he would have to listen this for the rest of the night.

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