Chapter 13~ The Past Is Trying To Steal My Life

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Author POV

Y/n and NamJoon were out in the waiting room, when NamJoon kept rubbing his fingers up Y/n's arm. Y/n glared at him as she knew what he was doing and wasn't falling for it. NamJoon sighed as Y/n said,

"Joonie, you are acting like a horny teenager who hasn't seen his girlfriend in a month." Y/n said as she removed his hand.

The door opened and Hayoon stood before them with a smile on her face. They both walked into the room as Hayoon sat down. She took a deep breath and said,

"Tell me what has these three weeks been like?"

"Terrible in a good way." Y/n said as she smiled at NamJoon who laughed softly.

"It's been the longest three weeks of my life but I truly realized how much I love Y/n, along with the fact of having the reality of life sit in on me. My jealous ways cause us so much pain that could've been avoided if I had just realized that we aren't our parents." NamJoon said as he looked at Y/n.

"Explain more to me?' Hayoon asked as Y/n and NamJoon both sighed.

"You see, NamJoon and I have spent most of our life together from the age of twelve. We only split once we went to college." Y/n said softly.

"Our childhood was rough but we stuck together." NamJoon replied.

"I'm listening, take your time. It seems as if both of your childhoods still have a hold of you both." Hayoon said softly.

"So my mom wasn't actually a mom to me. She didn't care to spend time with me, she was always too busy with her work. My dad would spend time with me on the weekends but the majority of the time my mom would take him away. When I turned nine, my mom cheated on my dad with his best friend and he left. My mom really didn't come home and my dad wouldn't even come to see me anymore. So Y/n came to me and stayed with me through it all." NamJoon said softly.

"My household was filled with fighting. My dad was very abusive to my mother even when she showed him nothing but love. I was thirteen when my dad took my mother away from me." Y/n said as NamJoon held her hand.

"Take your time Y/n, you both have to let go of this pain that you both brushed to the side. You both were too young to understand how to deal with the pain that the world had created around you both." Hayoon said as Y/n cleared her throat.

"We were about to get out, my mom had packed our stuff and everything by time I had made it home from school. I-I... remember my dad opening the door and the look in his eyes, my mom instantly told me to go into my room. She hugged me so tightly and even kissed my forehead ,as if she knew. Once the door to my room was closed you could hear them fighting, until there was nothing. I opened the door to my room as my world crumbled." Y/n said as tears fell from her eyes.

NamJoon hugged her tightly as Hayoon even looked down upon hearing the words that had come from Y/n's mouth. In her whole six years of counseling she had never met a couple like this and she knew now that the sources of their problems started here. Their past was etching to destroy and haunt them forever. As NamJoon calmed Y/n down, she took a deep breathe before continuing,

"My mom was laying on the floor in a pool of blood, I rushed to her as I tried to call for help but my mother stopped me. She told me it was too late, she cupped my face before telling me, 'You will do great things in this world, no matter what the world brings against you will be strong enough to fight. No matter where you go I'll be there. I love my sweet angel and don't ever forget that.' Those were her last words to me ever." Y/n said as she broke down completely.

Her mother was her everything and without her, the only person she had left was NamJoon. Together they were a bond that no one can break. Hayoon blinked away her tears as NamJoon hugged Y/n tightly. Hayoon knew she had broken the pain, even if it meant them both falling apart. The only way they were going to get over this was if they let go of it.

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