Chapter 16~A Twist In Our Life

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Y/n Pov~ One week Later

I walked out of Mincha's room as I was headed back to NamJoon's room. I was literally exhausted, NamJoon was acting like a baby when I clearly saw him walking around in his office last night and Mincha was going through separation anxiety. She was clinging onto me for dear life. I thought it would be gone by now it seems to be getting worse. I had just placed my hand on the door to NamJoon's room when I heard,

"Mommie.... Mommie!!" Mincha cried out.

I turned back around and entered her room. I lifted her into my arms as she laid her head on my shoulder crying softly. I rubbed her back as I walked back to NamJoon's room. He wasn't there, he was in that damn office. I sat on the bed as I rocked Mincha back to sleep. Once she was asleep I tried to lay her down but she held onto my shirt tightly. I moved back into the bed as I laid on NamJoon's pillow since it was closer. I pushed Mincha's hair out of her face as I kissed her forehead before laying her beside me as I cuddled her closer to me, letting her know that I was right here. She snuggled as close as she could making me realize that she wasn't going to unglue herself from me. The door to the room opened and NamJoon came into the room as I turned to him.

"You are supposed to be resting and not working." I said as he looked at me with a shocked look.

"You are supposed to be sleeping." He said as I glared at him.

"So were you not going to tell me that you ended your contract." He asked coldly as I glared at him.

"What's with that tone?" I asked as I felt myself becoming angry.

"Just answer the damn question?" He replied as I scoffed.

"Yes, I was going to tell you but just like always you act like you can't wait. You know what NamJoon take care of yourself, I've been chasing behind you begging you to rest and you seem to be perfectly fine." I said coldly as I lifted Mincha into my arms and walked out of the room.

I laid down on her bed as I snuggled under the covers with her. A tear slipped from my eyes as NamJoon had really made me mad. I was worrying about him and all he was worried about was himself. I jumped when I felt someone sit beside me, I moved over as I knew it was NamJoon. He placed a teddy bear in between Mincha and me as she hugged it tightly as NamJoon pulled me out of the bed. He held my hand leading me back to the room as he sat me on the bed.

"First of all Y/n, don't think that I won't fix that attitude of yours. Next, I'm upset because I don't want you to resent the fact that you ended your career on impulse. I don't want to regret and wonder how far you would've got if you had never returned to me." He said as I looked at him with a stern look.

"I did this for me, I'm rich and I don't want to miss anything in our children's lives. I don't care about all that NamJoon. Mincha is literally clinging onto me for dear life and it hurts not being near her." I said as he looked at me shocked.


"No NamJoon, you don't get to say I don't want you to regret it. When I ended my contract it was for me. That doesn't give you the right to be cold towards me for not telling either. It was supposed to be a surprise but of course you know everything about me." I said as I glared at him.

"My dad told me Y/n. What did you expect me to do?" He said as he glared at me.

"Pretend like you didn't know until I told you!" I said as I glared back at him.


"No, I don't want to hear it. Joonie, I don't want to live my life taking pictures until I'm grey. I want to actually be a part of our children's lives." I said softly.

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