Chapter 9~A Trip Down Memory Lane

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NamJoon POV

I had just stepped into my room ready to call Y/n and Mincha when I was greeted by my ex Hye Rin. She was sitting on the table naked as I glared at her. She walked up to me as I step away.

"Get out Hye Rin!! Where are your clothes?" I said in a angry tone as she just smiled.

"Stop it baby,you know you can't resist me." She said she walked over to me.

I pushed her away as she tried to touch me, she fell to the ground while laughing. What the hell was wrong with her,She began to rub her clit while moaning softly. She looked at me as I sighed in frustration. I couldn't take anymore, I yanked her up by her arm as the door to my room opened revealing Jin who's eyes widened.

"Jin don't just......

"NamJoon what the hell?"

Y/n voice came from the other side of the phone as Jin ended the call while I glared at him. He instantly pulled Hye Rin out of my room as I tried to call Y/n multiple times but she refused to answer. I wanted to killed Hye Rin for doing this? I would never cheat her on no matter what but this was going to be hard to explain.

Three Weeks Later

NamJoon and I hadn't talked since that day, SeokJin had called to explain everything but I just couldn't understand how she knew to come to his room. How did she even get access to it? NamJoon had attempted on several occasions to talk to me but I always told him I had to go. I knew he wouldn't cheat I did but just the thought of him having a naked woman in his room made me question so many things about us. I laid in the bed as I sighed deeply, my mind needed to be taken off of all of this so I turned on the tv only to be greeted by Fifty shades of grey. I sighed deeply again as I was already frustrated mentally and now I was even more sexually frustrated as well. I ran my fingers through my hair before going into NamJoon's closet in search of a box. I searched through all of my things and finally found my box of toys. I sat on the counter in the middle of the closet and turned on the vibrator placing it on clit as a moan slipped out of my mouth. I bit my lip trying not to be too loud as I didn't want to scare Mincha.

I was trying to satifsy myself but it wasn't working, I was trying to reach my orgasm but it just wouldn't come. I squirmed around on the counter until I heard someone clear their throats. My eyes widen as I greeted by NamJoon. I threw my vibrator as he stood in the doorway with a look I knew all too well.

"You didn't get my text did you?" He said as he looked down at the vibrator on the floor. He laid his coat on the chair in the closet as he reached down to pick up the vibrator. I gulped as I moved away from him but he just pulled me right back. He stared into my eyes before moving away and going into another part of the closet, I was about to get down to see what he was doing but I heard a cold voice say,

"I'm already pissed off Y/n don't make it worse." I gulped as I remember what happened when we were in high school and he had caught me touching myself. I couldn't walk for a week, thankfully we were on Christmas break. NamJoon walked out of the room and approached me with a toy I never wanted to see again. I gulped as he pulled me closer to him.

"Y/n you know I hate it when you ignored me right. Yes, you had every right to be mad, I understand but I explain to you over and over again what had happened. I would never cheat on you and Hye Rin was friends with my secretary that works on my floor. She gave her my information and thats how she knew where my room was and where I was." He said as he cupped my face.

I hugged him tightly but he didn't hug me back making me gulp in fear. I looked up and met his dominant gaze. He wasn't upset about me not answering the phone, he was upset about what he saw. I bit my lip as I squeezed my legs together, my vagina was dripping wet at just the thought of what he was about to do. I thought that I had lost this part of myself but I completely wrong. NamJoon was the one that introduce me to this world and he was the only one who could bring me back to it.

NamJoon pulled me to the end of the counter as he placed a vibrator into the my Vagina causing me to gasped as it stretched my walls. He grabbed his phone and set it to high before walking out of the closet. I bit my lip once again as I fought my moans, I couldn't wake up Mincha.

I began to squeeze my breast as I thought of NamJoon touching me. I reached my orgasm and my body began to tremble as the vibrator was sending me over the edge. I let out a kind of loud moan before covering my mouth. Orgasm after orgasm rushed through my body as tears began to fall from my eyes as I laid back on the counter squirming all around.

I felt my legs get pulled as I looked up only to met by NamJoon dark gaze. He smirked before saying,

"Well babe, its just you and I here until tomorrow night. We have got a lot of talking to do." He said as he pulled me up to him.

He kissed me roughly as he rubbed my clit making my whole body shake as I moan into our kiss. He broke the kiss before laying me back down on the counter placing kissing on my body all the way down to my clit. He placed his tongue on it making me moan loudly as the vibrator was setting me close to releasing. His tongue only sending me right into my orgasm, I sat up watching him as I moaned at the pleasure that I was receiving. NamJoon removed the vibrator as he pulled me off the counter.

"Knees now." I smirked before kneeling down in front of him and removing his towel. His harden cock sprained out making me more excited than I already was. I licked the tip before deep throating him. NamJoon moaned softly as he pinned my hair up into his hand. I kept bobbing my head at a fast pace sending him over the edge as his cock began to twitch in my mouth. He pulled me up turned me around, bending me over the counter with my hand pinned behind my back.

NamJoon entered me whole not letting me adjust to his size at all. He thrust into me as I moaned loudly not being able to control the feelings I had. He was slapping my ass while wrecking my body at the same time. Once we both released he turned me to him as he sat me counter. He laid me down holding my legs on his shoulder as he thrust into me again sending me over the edge again. My eyes kept rolling into the back of my head as my moans began crack. I sat up on my elbows as my body began to reach its climax, NamJoon eyes met mines as my juices released all over him. He let my legs go as he pulled me into a kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he broke the kiss.

"No more pleasuring yourself, understand." NamJoon said in a stern tone as I nodded my head before resting it on his chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't answer your calls. It wasn't that I didn't trust you I was just hurt." I said as he pulled me closer to him. He rubbed my back as I wrapped my legs around his waist. NamJoon was different in certain areas of his personality, and I couldn't understand why but as I thought about how better he had gotten at sex as I broke the hug.

"Yah, who else have you used those tricks on?" He laughed as he kissed me softly.

"This is only for you. Hye rin could never satifsy me nor Leah. I always had to go into the bathroom and use this." He reached over and grabbed his phone. He opened the video and I gasped. He chuckled as I attempted to delete the video.

"Yah, who said you could delete my video."

"You don't need it anymore, I'm here now." I said as I smirked he chuckled before kissing me softly. He broke the kiss and went into the bathroom and began to run some water. I slid off the counter only to fall to the floor. NamJoon lifted me up quickly as he carried me to the tub. He sat me down into the water before joining me. After bathing together we climbed into the bed cuddling into each other embrace as we both drifted off to sleep.

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