Chapter 12~Teasing

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Y/n woke up and sighed as she hadn't been sleeping at all. She wanted these last two weeks to be over, she rolled over in the bed as she looked at her phone and saw a message from NamJoon causing her to smile. She opened the message and instantly regretted it as she saw a message of NamJoon pleasuring himself while moaning her name. Y/n groaned as she felt her lower half throbbing as she felt the urge to touch herself. Y/n shook away the feeling as she got out of the bed, and went into the bathroom. She took a shower before getting ready for the day.

Once she was done, she walked out of the bathroom and went out to the kitchen. She ignored NamJoon second message as she was still not over the feeling from earlier. She walked over to living room, sitting down on the couch as she sip her coffee and opened up her book. Her phone vibrated again and saw a message from Taehyung, she smiled as she saw she had three days off.

Y/n got comfortable on the couch as she drifted off into book land. Hours had passed when her phone started ringing. She look up as she saw NamJoon calling her, she answered quickly,

"Babe, I'm out of coffee, I can't leave the house today because I got a meeting." He said as Y/n chuckled softly before saying.

"Okay Joonie, Have you ate today?" She said as he sighed.

"Don't worry Joonie, I'll grab you something to eat. I'll be there shortly."

Y/n ended the call with a smirk on her face. She grabbed her keys and drove to the coffee shop and to a fast food place to get NamJoon some dinner. She pulled into his driveway and used her keys to opened up the door. She went straight to his office and took him his food and coffee. She sat it on down before blowing him a kiss and leaving his house.

She got into the car and laughed as she went back home and climbed back onto the sofa. Y/n was head deep into her book when she heard pounding on her front door. She ignored as she knew it was NamJoon, her front door opened and she sat up with a confused look as she met his darken gaze. She gulped as he closed the door and locked it.

"Babe, you are wrong for what you did. Now we have to break the rules." He said in a husky tone as Y/n gulped.

"No Joonie you started it first, you sent me that video this morning." She said as NamJoon walked closer to her as she tried to run from him.

NamJoon grabbed Y/n and pulled her closer to him as he smashed his lips onto hers. She broke the kiss as she felt herself crying out for him. She shook her head as NamJoon pulled her back into a kiss. Y/n broke the kiss as NamJoon pushed up her skirt causing her to gasp.

"Joonie we can wait for this yes. We aren't in our right minds right now. We can fight this urge."She said as she tried her best to fight his touch. NamJoon chuckled as he lifted her up placing her legs on his shoulder.

Y/n eyes became full of lust as NamJoon tongue meet her folds, she moan softly as she ran her fingers through her hair. NamJoon smirked as he began to swirl his tongue around her clit.

"Damn it NamJoon, this is fair. You knew this was going to happen ahh." She said as NamJoon kept going eating her out as if she was his favorite fruit.

Her body began to twitched as she felt herself about to release, she moan loudly as she felt NamJoon thrusting his tongue at her entrance. Y/n ran her fingers through his hair as her eyes rolled back into her upon her reaching her climax. NamJoon took in all of Juices as he moved her body down. Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist as NamJoon came out of his pants. He ram his member into her as she moaned loudly. NamJoon kept going at inhuman speed as Y/n moaned out his name letting the whole neighborhood know who own her body. Three orgasms wasn't enough to quench NamJoon's thirst and Y/n knew that giving him viagra was the worse thing ever.

Three more rounds and NamJoon finally rested his head in the crook of Y/n's neck. She hugged him tightly as she lift his face placing a kiss on it. NamJoon smiled before carrying her to her room. He cuddled her into his arms as they both drifted off to sleep instantly.

The next morning Y/n woke up feeling the warmth of NamJoon's embrace as he was still sleeping. She got up and went into the bathroom, her legs felt all wobbling as she ran herself a bath. She climbed into the tub of hot water letting her aching body relax. When she came out of the bathroom she saw NamJoon still sleeping, she giggled softly before walking over to him and kissing him softly causing him to stir up. She smiled as his eyes met hers, he pulled her back into the bed as he pecked her lips.

"I don't want to go back home but I have too. I don't want to leave you. I miss you so much." He said as he looked into her eyes. Y/n smiled before kissing him again.

"I miss you too Joonie but we can't keep breaking the rules either. Last night was much needed but I hate that we couldn't control ourselves."

"Two weeks is what we got left, babe. I don't know how I am going to survive without you. I miss your smile and laugh so much." He said as Y/n cuddled into his arms more.

"I know I miss hearing your voice so much and Mincha I miss her so much. I want to hear her voice again." She said as NamJoon lifted her face.

"Once we finished therapy next week we are going to go to my parents house and see her babe." Y/n smiled brightly before hugging NamJoon tightly.

After breakfast, NamJoon waved bye to Y/n. He pulled into the driveway of their new  home and sighed. He wanted all of this to be over, he missed Y/n and Mincha so much but he knew that he needed to fix himself in order to save them both.

NamJoon step into the house and sighed as he walked around inside checking everything out before smiling. He could see them living there, he wanted to leave everything behind, nothing but good memories from that moment forward.

He pulled out his phone and called Taehyung, the first step of fixing this was trusting Y/n with other men. No more Jealousy, no more getting upset. Y/n loved him as much as he loved her.
It was time to let go of past along with the fears of abandonment.

He would become himself again, leaving behind the person that tried to take over the best part of him.

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