Chapter 19~ Dreams Do Come True

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Author POV

"Get over here now Y/n." Y/n's mother yelled.

"No mom, I don't have to wear any makeup today. Can't you just curl my hair and let it go." Y/n begged.

"Sweetie, please just sit down in this chair before I get my belt. I am still your mother and I have no problem whooping you." Her mother threatened.

Y/n shuffled over to the chair and sat down while her mother started working on her. She smiled as her mother kissed the top of her head. Y/n remembered how she felt when she thought her mother had been shot. When she rushed out of the room, her mother was fine and her stepfather was dead. She remembered how she broke down as her mother kept reassuring her that she was fine.

Hours flew by and before Y/n knew it she was putting on her bridal dress and preparing to walk down the aisle to NamJoon. Just the thought of it made her smile.

"My baby, I am glad to see this day, I know I missed so much but am I going to be here for everything. I want you to live and be happy. NamJoon loves you and there is no other man I would want for you in this world." Her mother said softly as Y/n's eyes became teary.

"I love you so much mom, thank you for coming back to me." Y/n said.

"I love you more my sweetpea, now go before you husband comes to get you himself." Her mother said.

Y/n smiled while her mother pulled down her veil, before opening the door for her. Y/n took a deep breath before walking out to the entrance. She could see NamJoon in a black tuxedo waiting on her, as the song cued in, Y/n took small steps to her lover. With each step she smiled remembering the moments and the events that NamJoon and her had gone through. The feeling that she felt upon returning to him and the joy she received from the family they had made. Nothing in this world could take this away from her.

"At this time we will hear the vows." The priest said.

"Y/n, where do I start, you have always tried to make me happy. Sometimes without even noticing that you were doing it. I remember the first time we went to a party and you had drank too much. You whispered to me, I love you NamJoon and only you. From that moment on I never had to question who my heart belonged to. You are the person I want to wake up to and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." NamJoon said, causing laughter to fill the courtyard and tears to form in Y/n's eyes.

"Joonie, you are the only man that could take my good, bad, and ugly and make them beautiful. Only you can make my heart beat like this and you are the only man that could make me happy. Even if the world was falling around us, all I would need is your kiss and hug to make everything better. You once told me this, no matter where we are in this world I will forever be the man to hold your heart, and I stand here before you Kim NamJoon to tell you, you are the only one to own my heart." Y/n said causing NamJoon to smile with teary eyes.

After they said I do, NamJoon pulled Y/n into a kiss knowing that he had finally gotten his wish. His one and only wish had come true. He broke the kiss before whispering,

"I love you babe."

"I love you more Joonie?" Y/n whispered back.

The two smiled as rain fell from the sky, everyone began to run but they just simply laughed together before pulling each other into a kiss. Understanding that love is the most powerful thing in this world, through the good and bad true love will stand beyond the never ending storms.

A Few Years Later~NamJoon Pov

Sighing in frustration, I watch my wife pace in front of my desk multiple times. Our parents had taken the children on vacation leaving Y/n and I alone and she had been asking for love and attention since they left. Today she begged for cuddles but I couldn't deliver with my workload. I chuckled to myself as I watched her give up. She walked out of my office slamming the door behind her as I yelled.

"I love you babe"

Y/n Pov

"I hate you Kim NamJoon!" I yelled as I stormed down the hallway.

It was almost midnight and NamJoon still refused to leave this office. I settled for cuddles but that's not what I really wanted. The twins were eight and Mincha was now eleven. I wanted to expand our family with one more child but NamJoon wasn't even giving in to my touch anymore.

Sighing deeply I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I strip off my clothes before getting in letting the water soothe my muscles. After showering, I felt myself being needier than ever. I ran my hands through my hair as frustration set upon me, making me get a grand idea. A smirk lingered on my face as I walked back into NamJoon office, he noticed my presence as he was on a video call with some people.

"Yes, Mr.Jung there are two shipments that need to be sent out immediately," NamJoon said sternly as I leaned against the wall.

Once I knew that I was out of sight, I dropped my towel gaining his full attention. Slowly moving my hands down my body while watching his eyes follow my every movement. I smirked knowing very well that I was breaking a rule.

"Yes, I'm fully aware of the circumstances that the company is under but I tend to run a tight ship around here." NamJoon said in a stern tone not removing his eyes from me.

I place fast circular motion around my sensitive area while maintaining eye contact with NamJoon. Each time he would clench his jaw I would find myself getting more excited. I bit my lip as my body began to shake upon reaching my orgasm. When I opened my eyes I saw NamJoon glaring at me, causing me to smirk.

When he looked back at the computer, I took the chance to crawl under his desk. He continued to talk, until he felt me rubbing his bulge that had formed in his pants. He pushed my hands away before saying,

"Yes, but stocks have dropped drastically since that advertisement."

Quietly unzipping his pants, I smirked knowing that he was now ready for me. I bit my lips as he pushed my hands away but I in return rubbed my hand against his member causing him to sigh deeply. Taking the opportunity, I pulled his member out and began to stroke it slowly causing him to bite his lips. He glared at me as I leaned up to place my mouth on his member. He clenched his jaw and his tensed body became relaxed as my tongue swirled around the tip of his member.

"Mr.Jung, we will continue this meeting in person, my personal assistant will be in contact with you." NamJoon as he ended the call and closed his laptop.

"Fuck, Y/n, get up now." He demanded as I continued working my magic.

I sighed when he rolled the chair back making me come from under his desk. Before I could protest he pulled me onto his lap, pulling me to a kiss. I unbuttoned his shirt removing it as we broke the kiss and he stood up making me wrap my legs around his waist. The next hours were filled with moans and skin slapping as NamJoon wrecked my body until I was a crying mess. Finishing off, NamJoon pulled me into a kiss before resting his forehead on mine.

Sweating was pouring from him as I smiled before hugging him. He chuckled softly before lifting me into his arms as I realized that we had destroyed his office. We entered our room and went straight into the bathroom, NamJoon turned on the shower letting the water warm up as he pulled me into a kiss. Stepping into the shower I groaned as NamJoon chuckled before grabbing the soap and a towel. After showering he placed a shirt on my body and carried me to the bed before cuddling me into his arms.

I smiled realizing that no matter how long NamJoon and I were together my heart would always pound out my chest when I was near him. I moved as close as I could to him taking in his scent as he chuckled before pecking the top of my head.

"I love you babe." He whispered as I smiled against his skin.

I love you more Joonie."

Closing my eyes, I smiled knowing that the life we always wanted was finally here. Through the hard times we stood beyond it all hand and hand, side by side. NamJoon was all I needed and I was all he needed. Even up against the world our love was untouchable.

The End.

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