Chapter 7~Who Are You

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NamJoon POV

I had return from taking Mincha to her room, I wanted to kiss Y/n but the mothering she had in wouldn't let me kiss her in front of Mincha. I closed the door to our room slowly approaching her when she rose from the bed and began to back away from me. I furrow my eyebrows and I asked her what was wrong, but she wouldn't respond to me. Her breathing became uneven and quicker, I cupped her face trying to calm her down but her eyes started closing as she collapsed in my arms. I carried her to the bed before calling Jin. He rushed to the room and I let him. Room service was right behind him, he signaled me to get Mincha fed while he checked on Y/n. I was anixous the whole time feeding Mincha. I wanted to know what was wrong with Y/n, did I really scare her like that. I held my head as Mincha lifted my face,

"Daddy, where is mommie?"She said in a soft tone as she looked at the room.

"Mommie is napping right now princess." She furrow her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Mommie doesn't nap during this time. Is she sick?" She asked in a worried tone as I shook my head.

"She just tired princess, mommie didn't sleep well last night." I said as I kissed her forehead.

After cleaning up, I took Mincha to her room and turned on her favorite cartoon as she played with her toys. Jin came out of the room and glared at me before saying,

"What did you do to her NamJoon?" I looked away before saying,

"I got jealous one day and pinned her to the wall." Jin hit me in the back of my head as I glared at him.

"Don't glare at me, you scared her NamJoon. Why are you doing this to her? She clearly loves you but if you keep this up she is going to leave you." He said sternly before walking out the room.

I knew he was right but I couldn't lose her. Just the thought of someone touching made me uneasy and angry. I trusted Y/n yes but I didn't trust men around her, I was just an old childhood crush that could be erased the minute someone new step into the picture. I sighed as tears filled my eyes at the thought of Y/n leaving me for someone else. I heard the door open and there stood Y/n as she held her head. Her eyes widen as she saw me with tears in my eyes. I rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so so so sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


My heart was aching, how could you fear the person that you loved so much. I hugged NamJoon tightly as I needed him to calm down and I really needed a hug from him. Its crazy I know, but he was my home. I wished he could understand this one thing. He was the only one for me, even when I tried to move on from him my heart still cried out for him.

"I need you to understand this Joonie. You are the only man that is on my mind, You are the only man that can set my heart on fire. The only one to make me happy so please stop please." I said as we looked into each other eyes.

Our teary eyes both showing the same thing, fear, hurt and love. NamJoon loved me no doubt and I love him no doubt but we needed to get a good understanding of each other if we wanted this relationship to work. If we didn't we would only hurt each more than we already were.

NamJoon lean down and kissed me softly as I kissed him back with the same emotions and energy. He broke the kiss as he cupped my face.

"I won't hurt you anymore babe, I just don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." He whispered to me as his tears fell from his eyes. I wiped them as I hugged him tightly. My old Joonie was still here, but I had to fight to keep him from the cold NamJoon that had entrapped him.

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