Chapter 11~A Little Time Apart

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NamJoon and Y/n headed into the therapy office as Y/n held NamJoon's hand letting him know she wasn't going anywhere. The door opened and a lady walked out and greeted them both.

"Good Afternoon, I am Ha Yoon. You both can come in and be seated I'll get started in a few minutes hmm." The older lady said before walking out of the room.

NamJoon and Y/n sat down beside each other as Y/n pecked his cheek causing him to smile softly. NamJoon was glad to have Y/n there with him as he was nervous about opening to a stranger, he had never wanted to talk about his past. He wanted to erase it all, but he saw where that was getting him and he didn't like the person he was becoming anymore. Ha Yoon entered the room with coffee on a tray as she smiled at them.

"NamJoon, Y/n it nice to meet you both. One the phone I talked to Mr.Kim, your secretary and he told me everything. First I want to express this in the best way I can. You must trust me and be prepared to open up to me. I can't fix what's broken if you don't open the door for me." She said as they both nodded their head.

"For starters I want to know how you two met?" She said as NamJoon cleared his throat.

"We were four, and I was on the small playground across from our houses. I had been crying as I broke my toy and no one wanted to play with me." NamJoon said as Ha Yoon began writing on her notepad.

"And Y/n relieved you of that pain, starting a new friendship correct." She asked as NamJoon nodded his head. The room was filled with silence as HaYoon wrote down more notes before looking up.

"NamJoon. tell me this, what were your parents like." NamJoon tensed up and HaYoon didn't let that gesture go unnoticed as she examine Y/n behavior too. 

She studied both of them as she knew that this was the source of the problem. She waited upon hearing NamJoon answer.

"They weren't there." He said coldly as he looked away from Ha Yoon. Y/n held his hand making him calm down and Ha Yoon knew it was time to dig deep.

"How long have you two been together?" NamJoon looked up as soon as that question was asked.

"Well since forever, except when she disappeared when we were in college." He said as HaYoon studied Y/n's facial expressions.

"Care to share Y/n." She said as Y/n's eyes widened before saying,

"This is for Joonie, not me." She said as Ha Yoon smiled upon NamJoon clearing his throat.

"No babe its for both of us. You haven't been you and I know that."

Ha Yoon smiled internally as she saw the real NamJoon trying to escape from the wall that his ego had built. She knew that they both needed her help to bring down both of their walls. Y/n seem normal but on the inside she was breaking and Ha Yoon noticed when she greeted them at the door. Y/n's eyes told the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Y/n cleared her throat before saying,

"I have been in love with NamJoon since we were preteens. I never really looked at anyone else the way I look at him. He was man for me the minute I kissed him, but once we were in college he started seeing someone else and it broke me. I had managed to get over the heartbroken part but then he wouldn't even talk to me or hangout with me and that hurt more than anything because of how we grew up together." Y/n said as Ha Yoon knew just where to pry at next time.

"Well I have homework for you both. You both will spend three weeks apart from each other. No romantic gestures, no sexual intercourse. Only normal greetings." HaYoon said as Y/n and NamJoon both looked at her with a shocked look.

"You two need to realize the love that flow between you two. NamJoon you love Y/n can tell, I don't question your love for her just like I don't question her love for you either. However you two must learn how to be alone. Its okay to be alone but you two fear it more than normal. Especially you NamJoon. Three weeks we will meet here together." Ha Yoon said as she dismissed the session.

NamJoon and Y/n left the building and entered the car, Y/n looked down as NamJoon pecked her lips. She smiled as NamJoon said,

"Its three weeks babe, we can do this. We fix ourselves and then we will be smooth sailing." 

NamJoon said as Y/n kissed him again.

 He broke the kiss before cupping her face. Y/n smiled brightly as NamJoon drove to their house. He helped Y/n pack up some of her clothes before putting them into her car. He trail behind her as she drove to her house. NamJoon helped her get settle and even went with her to make groceries, once they had put everything away NamJoon looked to Y/n who pouted.

"I'm going to miss you Joonie. I hate this but if I'm willing to do anything to fix us." She said as NamJoon cupped her face kissing her softly before saying,

"I'm going to miss you more than anything babe. These three weeks are going to be hard but we got this, we will be back in each other arms before we know it." Y/n smiled as NamJoon kissed her once more. Y/n walked him to the door as she smirked before saying,

"I left you a few videos on your phone Joonie use them wisely." She said before laughing 

watching his reaction as she got into the car. As he backed out of the drive he rolled down his window and said,

"I love you babe."'

"I love you more Joonie." Y/n said as she waved him goodbye.

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