Chapter 4~ I can't let him have you

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Author POV

Y/n was awakened by the morning sun coming through the window. She smiled as she saw both Mincha and NamJoon still sleeping. She lean down and kissed Mincha's head causing NamJoon to move, pulling her into a hug as he took in her scent. Y/n smiled and turned to him causing his eyes to open.

"Good Morning Shortie" He said in a raspy morning voice. Y/n smiled but not for long as NamJoon pecked her lips. Her eyes widen but slowly closed as she gave in to his kiss. He broke the kiss and pushed her hair behind her ear causing her to smile.

" I'm done hiding my true feelings for you Y/n. I like you. I have liked you since we were thirteen but I was scared to tell you." NamJoon said causing Y/n's eyes to widen.

" Am I dreaming? " Y/n asked in a soft tone causing NamJoon to kiss her again.

" No babe, you aren't." NamJoon said as he rubbed his thumb over her lips causing her to blush and smiled at the same time. She sat up and looked into his eyes before asking.

" Are you playing Joonie? Do you really like me or do you just feel obligated to say those things?" She said in a serious tone causing NamJoon to chuckle before sitting up and cupping her face. He placed a soft kiss on her lips before resting his forehead on hers.

"No babe, I'm not playing nor am I doing this out of pity. The minute you appeared in my office, life was reinstall into my body. Things I thought I would never feel again were awaken. They are were only awaken for you. Yeah, I married Leah but Y/n you are the only woman who has my heart." He said as he placed her hand on his chest so she could feel how fast his heart was beating. Her eyes widen as she smiled before pulling him into another kiss. They broke the kiss and she whispered,

"I'm all yours Joonie." Those four words was enough to make NamJoon's day a lot better. He hugged her tightly before saying,

"Thank you so much, babe. Get you some more rest. I'll go cook breakfast for us all." He said as he tucked her back into the bed while placing a kiss on her forehead. Y/n cuddled back into the bed with Mincha and slowly drifted back off to sleep feeling happier than ever. It was ten in the morning when Y/n and Mincha both woke up. Y/n smiled as she cuddled Mincha into her arms allowing her to wake up. Once Mincha was fully awake Y/n took her into the bathroom and proceed to do their morning routine. Once they were finished Y/n got them both dress.

She carried Mincha downstairs and placed her in her highchair. NamJoon brought over some pancakes and eggs. He kissed Mincha's head causing her to laugh. He smiled brightly showing off his dimple smile before turning and pecking Y/n's lips. Y/n blushed while Mincha clapped happily from seeing the affection that the adults were showing to each other. Y/n sat down beside Mincha's chair and began to feed her while NamJoon fix coffee for Y/n and him.

"Are you two ready for today?" NamJoon asked in a soft tone while Y/n and Mincha both nodded their heads.He smiled while admiring Y/n's outfit. He smirked before saying,

"Wow, babe you turned my shirt into a masterpiece." Y/n blushed again as she looked over and glared at him. Namjoon chuckled as he watched his flustered lover continue to feed his child. Once Y/n was done feeding Mincha, NamJoon send Mincha to her playroom that was right beside the kitchen. When he return, Y/n and him ate their breakfast together while discussing their plans for the day.

After the kitchen was clean they all grabbed their stuff and left for work. The photo shoot ran smoothly but Mincha was completely glued to Y/n. She refused help from anyone unless it was NamJoon or Y/n. After the shoot was finish NamJoon entered the dressing room with Y/n and Mincha. He waited until Y/n had change and he asked,

You're Mine Kim NamJoonxY/NWhere stories live. Discover now