Chapter 17~The Growth

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My whole world paused upon seeing my mother face, all this time I thought she was dead but she was alive. I rushed to her and hugged her as tears fell from my eyes.

"I thought you were dead mom! How are you....."

"I wasn't dead, my angel. I needed to get away from your step father and your dad was supposed to take you in but that didn't work out the way it was supposed too." She replied and hugged me tightly as I broke down in her arms.

She wiped my tears as she broke the hug before she rubbed my stomach. I laughed softly as I felt Mincha tug onto my dress. Her eyes were searching for the reason as to why I was crying. NamJoon slowly approached us as he lifted her into his arms but she reached for me. I took her into my arms as our mothers pulled NamJoon into a hug causing his body to become tensed.

"My son, I know this is a lot but believe me I've been searching for you for a long time." NamJoon's mother replied.

"We both have, your father is in the states looking for you. This is all our faults, babies." My mother continued only for NamJoon to let a tear slip down his face.

"Can we sit and talk please NamNam." NamJoon's mother said as he nodded his head.

We all walked into the living room and sat down together. NamJoon held my hand and I wiped his tears before pecking his cheek causing him to smile softly. Our parents look at us with nothing but happiness.

"Didn't I tell you they were going to be a wonderful couple." My mother said.

"I knew we had a problem when NamJoon only wanted to hold Y/n's hand when they were babies." His mother replied as NamJoon smiled.

"How did you both find us?" NamJoon asked as his mother pulled out a picture of Taehyung.

"This young man told us where you live when we found your company. They were very rude to us there." My mother replied as NamJoon furrowed his eyebrow.

"I know this is a lot, son but we have so much to tell you both. I'm just glad that we found you both in time." His mother stated.

"I'm glad that you two stuck together. I always dream of you two being together." My mother commented as NamJoon chuckled lightly.

"Looks like we were truly destined to be together babe." NamJoon said, causing me to blush before resting my forehead on his shoulder.

Mincha took us all by surprise when she moved over into NamJoon's mother lap. I looked at him as he looked at me. She smiled before she nuzzled her way in between both of our mothers.

"You look like daddy and you look like Mommie." She said as our mother smiled at her.

"Meet Mincha, she is our first daughter kind of." NamJoon stated as our mothers both raised their eyebrows.

"Kind of?" My mother asked.

"Short story NamJoon and I dated other people before we started dating." I said as his mother raised his eyebrow.

"We will discuss that later. The only thing we want to do is spend time with you both. We have a lot of time to make up for and most importantly we are sorry for being gone for so long." NamJoon's mother said.

"We never gave up. We found each other and then we started searching for you both because you both were taken away from us. When I get my hands on your stepfather he is going to wish he killed me." My mother continued as they both looked at us.

"How about we all meet up next Saturday. We can have a small dinner." NamJoon suggested as our mothers nodded their heads.

They both gave us the address that they were staying at before leaving out. As we closed the door I looked to NamJoon who sighed before walking away while pulling out his phone. I wanted to protest but the doorbell rang stopping me. I opened the door as I saw Minso and Sangheon. We both laughed as Mincha said,

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