Chapter 18~I Just Want To Be Happy

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NamJoon POV~ Three Months  Later

I sat at the table waiting on my mother to come by. She said she wanted to explain what had actually happened right before we got separated. The sound of the doorbell filled out home as I stood up walking over to the door, ready to greet my mom.

"Mom I was..... Dad?"I said as he furrowed his eyebrow.

"Your mother was coming today? I thought she was in Paris." My father stated.

"No dad, mom is back" I said as he looked at me weirdly.

"Really when did she make it back, she said it would be a week." My father said.



My parents stood in front of each other with the most overwhelming look ever. My mother ran into my father's arms and he hugged her tightly as they cried together. I watched in awe until I felt arms wrap around my leg. I looked down and saw Mincha with her sleepy eyes, raising her arms up letting me know she wanted to be picked up. She rested her head on my shoulder before snoozing back to sleep. I left the door unlocked so my parents could come into the house after their moment. Upon walking upstairs, I heard the Y/n's fast footstep and panicking voice. It all vanished when she saw Mincha in my arms. She rushed into my arms, hiding her head in my chest while I rubbed her back to calm when I heard her silent cries.

A month ago, Leah had kidnapped Mincha and I couldn't get Y/n to forgive herself. Mincha and her were waiting on my mother but in the midst of waiting the twins had awakened. Y/n had told Mincha not to open the door but her curiosity got the best of her. Y/n did everything in her power to save Mincha until I almost lost her. Y/n and Leah fought it out until Y/n finally won the fight, returning home with bruises and cuts that ran so deep I thought she was going to bleed to death. I remember my heart dropping to my chest when my mother took Mincha from Y/n's arms and Y/n collapsed in my arms.

"Babe, it's okay she came downstairs to me. She's  right here, no one is going to hurt either one of you." I said softly.

Y/n nodded her head before hugging me tightly, she stood there taking in my warm embrace for comfort.

"Jump." I said softly.

Wasting no time, she did as I said and I wrapped her legs around my waist. Carrying them to our room, as my wife cried in my arms and my daughter snored in my ear. When I got into the room, I sat Y/n down before handing her Mincha. Y/n cuddled Mincha into her arms, and I tucked them into the bed. Leaning over, I kiss Mincha's forehead before kissing Y/n lips. I broke the kiss resting my forehead on hers before whispering,

"Everything is going to be okay babe, don't worry about anything. I am not going anywhere so get some rest."

I kissed her once more before walking out of the room, letting them get some rest. I went into the nursery and saw the twins sleeping peacefully in their cribs. I made sure their baby monitors were good before going back downstairs. I followed my parents' laughter and saw them in the kitchen, I smiled wishing that this could've been my life all along. My parents smiled at me before patting the chair for me to sit down.

"Now I can finally tell you both everything." My mother started out saying.

"I will start from the very beginning, Eunkang and I came from a wealthy home. As I got older I didn't want to continue living off of my parent's wealth so I chose to go to college and that's where I met your father. EunKang went on to be a model and had all the wealth in this world but nothing else. Slowly she began to grow bitter every time we came around, but that bitterness turned into anger, once I found out that I was pregnant. She tried to seduce your father and when I caught her doing it she tried to play the victim role. Once you were born she drugged your father and made it seem as if he was having an affair with her." My mother paused as my father took her hand into hers.

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