Chapter 5~I Refuse To Let You Go

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NamJoon words kept playing over and over in my head. I sighed deeply as I stared at his sleeping face, when did he become so overprotective of me. Why did he treat me like that last night? He said it was out of jealously but I just can't understand his behavior. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing, I checked the caller Id and saw Taehyung name come across. I answered it quickly.

"Good morning Y/n, after several hours of convincing and explaining, I was able to get you a early shoot time. We should be done with the shoot by lunch." He said in a calm tone.

"Thank you so much Taehyung. I'll be able to take Mincha out for lunch and possibly to the park." I said in a excitement. Taehyung chuckled before saying,

"Maybe I can tag along too. Its been a while since I spent time with her anyways." He said in a soft tone.

"That's fine with me, it will a date." I said cheerfully and we ended the call. NamJoon was still sleeping so I went into the bathroom and got ready for the day. I was glad that I had washed my clothes because I didn't want to keep messing up NamJoon's clothes. I was walking out the bathroom when I was greeting by NamJoon and Mincha smiles. I approach them and NamJoon moved Mincha closer to him before saying,

"Hey princess go see nanny Rose okay, Daddy needs to talk to mommie." Mincha smiled brightly before running out of NamJoon's room. I began to laugh at her cuteness but it slowly vanished as NamJoon gaze made me felt like I was on trial for murder. I gulp as he just stared at me. The room was filled with silence for a good while before he finally spoke.

"Come here now!!" He demanded. I walked over to him slowly. Once I was in arms reach he pulled me onto the bed hovering above me. My body became frozen in a fear as his darken gaze became scarier.

"Who are you going on a date with babe. hmm" He said in a deadly tone as he stared into my eyes. I felt tears forming in the wells of my eyes  as I had never seen this side to him, I cleared my throat and said,

"It's not like that Joonie, Taehyung just wanted to tag alone with Mincha and I after the shoot. I'm sorry please don't hurt me, I won't go, just don't......" I couldn't finish my sentence as fear had now completely taken over my body and my tears were now falling endlessly. NamJoon gripped my face and kiss me roughly before standing up and going to the bathroom, before closing the door he said,

"You're mine Y/n, no one else will be with you but me."

Once the door close I cried and cried some more. Who in the hell was this person? I wanted my sweet NamJoon from highschool back I hated this person and I didn't want to be with him anymore. After pulling myself together, I walked into the bathroom. I wiped the stream up off as I looked at my puffy red eyes. I sighed and grabbed a washcloth. I turned on the hot water, wetting the towel. I laid it on my face as I cried some more thinking about it. I felt the towel being pulled off the face. I looked up and saw NamJoon standing in front of me, he wiped my tears and kissed me roughly before walking out of the bathroom.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom in search of my MinMin. I entered her room and she ran into my arms as her nanny approached me.

"Oh you must be Y/n. Mr.Kim has told me so much about you. Its a honor to finally meet you, I was starting to thing you weren't real. Its makes me feel a lot better to know that you real. How rude of me? I'm Rose." Rose said in a soft tone.

"Its so nice to meet you Rose. Would you like me to help you?" I asked in a soft tone but she shook her head.

"No actually Mincha and I are going to be out for the rest of the day. Mr.Kim said you and him would be moving your stuff into the house today." She said in a soft tone. I kissed Mincha's forehead as I waved them both goodbye. NamJoon was sitting in the living room, he walked over and hugged MinMin before walking them out. I had grabbed my house keys and phone, and was heading to the door when he came in. He glared at me and I simply sighed.

"Look, NamJoon am going to my house to get my things. I'll be back before Mincha goes to sleep." I said in a stern tone as I walked out the house. I got into the uber wishing that NamJoon would change back to his old self because I couldn't handle this side him.

Later that Night

I had just put the last of my boxes into my car. I got in and send a text to NamJoon letting him know that I was on my way. As I was pulling into the drive I saw him and some guards standing outside. I put my car in park and got out, I grabbed my bag off the backseat and walked to the door. NamJoon glared at me as I walked up. I entered the house and went straight to Mincha's room, when I walked in I heard her little sniffles. I went and cuddled her into my arms and she looked up at me with teary eyes.

"It's okay sweetie, Mommie is right here. I'm sorry I was late." I said as I kissed her forehead while rocking her in my arms. She smiled as I wiped away her tears. Once she was asleep, I tucked her into the bed and kissed her forehead. I walked downstairs and went back out the front door. I grabbed my boxes one by one and sat them in the door way. NamJoon sat on the couch ignoring my presence but I honestly didn't care at this point anymore. He had hurt me once and I refused to give him the benefit of doing it again.

I grabbed my boxes and carried them to the guest room. Once I was done I started organizing my clothes in the closet. I change the bedding, before grabbing my clothes and going into the bathroom and shower.  After I got out went to check on Mincha, once I saw she was still sleeping I headed back to guest room to sleep. As I was approaching the room, I saw NamJoon peeking into Mincha's room like he looking for something. I entered the room ready to get into the bed when the door open I sighed in frustration.

"Damn it NamJoon, leave me alone. You act like you didn't see me when I struggling with those boxes so act like you don't see me now. GOODNIGHT!!" I yelled at the end as I stood up to push him out the room but he just grabbed me. I kept hitting his chest wanting him to let me go but he never did. He just held me closer to him. Before I knew it my tears were falling from my eyes as he rubbed my back to soothe me. 

"NamJoon, please just go." I said in a soft tone as I push him a little bit. He simply cupped my face and wiped my tears away before pecking my lips. I didn't respond back to him peck because I was upset at him. He doesn't get the right to treat me like this. NamJoon sighed before saying,

"Babe, please, I can't take your red puffy eyes. I can't take tears falling from them knowing that am I the reason for it. I can't take it, please stop crying. Please." He begged as he wiped my tears while placing a kiss on my lips. I gasped as I felt his hands rested on my waist. I kissed him passionately hoping he would realize that the only person I wanted to be was him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I broke the kiss.

"Joonie, I only want you. I only love you. No other man can take me away from me. I only need you to make complete Joonie. Only you can make my heart beat this fast." I said as I placed his hand on my chest. His eyes widen as I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry babe. Seriously I really am sorry." I placed my finger on his lips and shook my head. I pulled him into a kiss, kissing him passionately while giving in to his touch. The kiss was getting rougher and hotter. My underwear were now dripping wet begging for NamJoon's touch. I broke the kiss and rested my head in the crook of his neck. He hugged me tightly before carrying me to his room. We climbed into the bed, cuddling each other as I drifted off to sleep quickly.

Author POV
NamJoon admired Y/n's face as she sleeping, he knew his actions were wrong but he couldn't lose her again. Just the thought of her finding someone better than him made his blood run cold. He pulled her closer to him, thinking about how he felt when she had disappeared out of his life without saying a single word. How he put money and time into trying to finding but couldn't. He kissed her forehead before saying,

"I refuse to let you go, babe!! Even if I make your life a living hell, I'll never let you go.

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