Chapter 14~My Home Will Always Be You

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Y/n Pov

I woke up to Joonie's warm embrace. I smiled as I knew today I would get to see my baby. I climbed onto NamJoon's chest as I kissed his lips in an attempt to wake him up but he didn't wake up. I sighed as I kissed him again. Still nothing I glared at him before I sat up and lean into his ear,

"Joonie, wake up." He smiled as I knew he was awake. He pulled me into a kiss as I smiled. I broke the kiss before saying,

"I'm ready to go see my daughter get up now." I said in a demanding tone. Namjoon smirked before switching our position, causing me to laugh. He kissed me softly before saying,

"Let's shower and then we can hit the road, sleepy head." He said as I nodded my head before pushing him off of me.

I rushed into the bathroom and shower. Once I was dressed I went to Mincha's room and made sure everything was ready for her. I smiled before running down stairs to the living room. I sat on the couch as I felt this weird feeling. I blocked it out as I thought that maybe it was my nerves. I jumped when NamJoon said,

"Babe let's go. I just called dad and he said Mincha should be done napping by the time we get there." I nodded my head as I felt the urge to throw up. I rushed to the kitchen and threw up in the trash as I felt awful. I wiped my mouth as Namjoon looked at me.

"Babe let's just wait." He said as I shook my head.

"No Joonie, I want to see Mincha. It's been months since we saw her. I'm not that sick, let's go." I said as I grabbed the trash bag out of the trash.

NamJoon took the bag and threw it away as I sat in the car. What was wrong with me? I felt the aftertaste in my mouth as I needed something to drink so NamJoon stopped and got me some breakfast and some ice water. After some time I felt myself slowly getting sleepy, I laid my head back as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

~Three Hours Later~

I woke up as we turned into NamJoon's parents house. I smiled as I was ready to see my Mincha. As we got out of the car, his mother came out the door and smiled as she hugged him. She turned to me and gave me a fake hug as I smiled softly.

"Y/n dear how have you been?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

"I've been good and you Mrs.Kim." I said as she smiled.

"That's good, let's go in. I see she has been feeding you my baby." Mrs.Kim said as she looked at NamJoon.

I scoffed as if I wouldn't cook for him. We do have a daughter that I have to feed. I turned to NamJoon as he held my hand as we walked into the house. I smiled brightly as I saw Mincha coming down the stairs. She smiled brightly as I squatted down to her.

"Mommie!" She called out as she ran into my arms.

"I've missed you so much sweetie. How have you been hmmm." I asked as I placed kisses all over her face.

"I want to come home with you. I miss you so much!! Where's daddy? Did he not come?" She said as her eyes became watery.

"I'm right here princess, why would I not come and pick you up?" NamJoon said as he hugged her tightly.

I smiled as I looked at Mrs.Kim who was glaring at me. She was overprotective of NamJoon as usual but I didn't care. I love NamJoon too much to fight with her. I smiled as Mr.Kim greeted us with a smile. He hugged us both as he looked at Mincha who smiled brightly as she reached for me, I took her into my arms as NamJoon and I went into the kitchen to see his parents. Mincha cupped my face before saying,

"Mommie, I'm hungry."

"She hasn't eaten much since she has been here. I try but she barely eats." Mrs.Kim said as she observed Mincha and I.

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