Chapter 2 She's Mine

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The tension between the two males made me want to run. It was very clear what they both felt towards me. I pulled away from Taehyung as NamJoon got closer to me. I like Taehyung don't get me wrong but I needed to know him more before I could like him in a way. The feelings I had for NamJoon was a lot stronger just the smallest skin on skin contact would make my stomach get butterflies and my cheeks to become crimson red.
I felt NamJoon's hand on my lower back and I gulped as he cleared his throat.

"Actually Taehyung I wanted to hangout with Y/n tomorrow too, so how about we all go out after the shoot?" He said in deep stern voice. Taehyung glared at him as he fix his suit and said.

"Don't you have to get MinCha back home early?" Taehyung said in deep defensive tone. My eyes lit up as I realized that I got to meet her tomorrow. I wonder if she was sweet like the children that I often met at the orphanage.

"We can go to my house or Namjoon house? I really can't wait to hangout with MinCha." I said in a happy tone as Taehyung looked down sadly. I felt bad but I knew how to make it right.

"But afterwards we can still hangout Taehyung" I said happily causing him to instantly smile. I was going to make it clear to Taehyung tomorrow that I only wanted to be friends with him for now. I just hope it wouldn't hurt him to much. I was brought back out of my thoughts when NamJoon held my hand.

"Lets go shortie, I brought you here so its only right I take you home." He said in a stern tone has he death glared Taehyung. I didn't want to leave Taehyung hanging as I was having fun with him but NamJoon was never the type to leave me alone with guys. He was always overprotective but maybe he has change.

" Its fine, Taehyung can take me!" I said happily but I knew I was in trouble when NamJoon gave me his grand pouting face making me want to place kisses all over his face.

"But I haven't seen you in forever." NamJoon whined as Taehyung frowned a little bit. I laughed a little seeing NamJoon acting this way it reminded of when we were younger.

"Its okay Namjoon. We will see each other tomorrow. Go home I know you miss your daughter." I said in a sweet tone but he took me by surprise when he said.

"How about you come meet her tonight?" He said in a pleading tone. I burst out into laughter as he wasn't having this at all. He really wasn't about to leave with me so I smiled before sighing.

"Fine, fine, Taehyung I'm very sorry but Namjoon isn't going to leave without me." I said in a nice tone as I watch him sigh. I could just feel NamJoon smirking in satisfaction as Taehyung death glared at him. As NamJoon pulled me away he made sure to wrap his arms around my waist to make Taehyung jealous. I punched him lightly as he just chuckled knowing that I knew what he was doing.

The ride back home was nice. NamJoon and I caught up a lot about our lives since we had been apart. I felt happy to back near him again but I knew that my feelings for him would still have to be something I had to hid until I knew he felt the same way too. We pulled up to my house and he helped me out of the limo. He walked me up to door and looked into my eyes. I felt like he was about to kiss me but instead he pulled me into a hug.

It was a different type of hug though. I was full of love. I hugged him back taking in his scent that I missed so much. He broke the hug as he smiled brightly before walking away. Once I entered the house I took off my shoes and immediately looked out of the window as I heard the door to NamJoon's car close. I smiled internally has he waited until he knew I was in house before leaving.

I went upstairs and removed my dress letting it fall to the floor as I stripped out of my undergarments heading straight to the tub for a long deep bubble bath soak. I was so glad to be out of that dress. I loved being model but I hated wearing clothes. I hated DRESSES! They were either too tight or too revealing. I loved comfy clothes!

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