Chapter 3 The Truth

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I was almost done feeding Mincha when NamJoon came back into the house. He was fuming with anger. He had sweat pouring down his face from the summer heat. I was about to approach him but he smiled before heading over and sitting beside me. He smiled as he kissed MinCha's head. I looked back and noticed that Taehyung was gone but I figured maybe he had went home to change before work. After I cleaned up the kitchen, put away the dishes I noticed that it was time to leave and Taehyung still hadn't return. I sighed deeply as NamJoon grabbed my hand as he put MinCha into his arms. We entered NamJoon's car and I felt a bit worried because Taehyung never came back. Maybe he just forgot, I'm sure he okay, I told myself. The car was full with silence until I looked back at MinCha who was smiling at me waiting to receive my attention. I smiled brightly and turned to NamJoon.

"NamJoon your daughter is so sweet. I really can't wait to hangout with her after the shoot today." I said happily as he smiled.

"I'm glad you like her Y/n. I'm very surprise that she came straight to you early. She normally is very shy when it comes to meeting new people. She seems to be attach to you already though strangely."He said as he looked at her through the rear view mirror sitting in her car seat.

" Well I feel special now. I like her too, she just so sweet and adorable." I said as I looked back her only to see her blowing me kiss.

"What about daddy, princess? Can I get a flying kiss too?" He whined as she smiled and blew him several kisses causing him to smile brightly. We spend the rest of ride talking and playing with Mincha. When we arrive to the set, Taehyung pulled Mincha and I into our dressing room. He looked at me and smiled before saying,

"I'm sorry I didn't pick up but when I got home my dog had made a complete mess. I had to clean it up and was running late soo....." I chuckled and said,

"It's okay Tae, I'm just glad nothing bad happened to you that's all."I smiled brightly as he nodded his head and walked out of the room. I looked at our outfits and back to Mincha as she turned her head to side like "Do I really have to wear this" I giggled at her facial expression as I sat her on the sofa and change her into her outfit.

After I finished getting her ready I reached her my phone and let her watch a video while I got ready

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After I finished getting her ready I reached her my phone and let her watch a video while I got ready. I quickly changed into my dress and let the hairdresser do my hair while I held MinCha in my lap.

 I quickly changed into my dress and let the hairdresser do my hair while I held MinCha in my lap

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