Chapter 8~ The Monster I Love

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I woke up but Mincha wasn't beside me and I wasn't in her room anymore. I looked to my right and saw NamJoon beside. I removed his arm from around me before getting up, and going into the bathroom. I turned on the shower as tears fell from my eyes. I didn't want to be near him anymore, but for Mincha, I would stay one more day.

I step into the shower letting the warm water soak away all the pain of yesterday as my eyes continued to leak. I got out and put on some comfy clothes before walking out of the bathroom. I opened my suitcase and began to rearrange my clothes when I heard NamJoon waking up. I closed my eyes hoping that he would just go into the bathroom and leave me alone.

I closed up my suitcase and walked towards the door about to go check on Mincha when I felt a grip on my hand.I turned around and he hugged me tightly as I just stood there. He broke the hug before kissing me. I wouldn't respond back so he bit my lower lip forcing me to give him. I kissed him back but I felt nothing but pain at the moment. Once he broke the kiss, I heard Mincha crying, so I broke away from him to go check on her.

I entered her room and she walked to me as I picked her up into my arms. I kissed her forehead making her calm down. She looked to me and said,

"I want to go home mommie. I want to go home." I kissed her forehead before saying,

"Me too baby, we will spend one more night here and in the morning we will be leaving okay." I said as she nodded her head.

I took her to the bathroom and got her ready for the day. I ordered our food as NamJoon played with her. I wasn't hungry so I went out to the balcony to get some fresh air. My tears fell from my eyes as I was stuck in a cross road. My mind was telling me to leave and never look back but my heart wouldn't let my feet move.

I heard the door open and I knew the food was here, I walked in and grabbed Mincha placing her on the table as NamJoon brought over the food. I opened up her tray and placed her plate in front of her. NamJoon looked to as he looked at the trays.

"Where's your food?" He said worriedly.

"I'm not hungry, I'll eat for lunch instead." I said in a soft tone as I watched Mincha stuff her face. I giggled at her while wiping her mouth. She smiled brightly before shoving a piece of pancake into my mouth.

My eyes widen as she giggled cutely before kissing my forehead. I smiled brightly as NamJoon chuckled at us. I smiled faintly as Mincha finished up her food. Once she finish eating, NamJoon and her sat in the living room watching movies while I went into the room. I curled up in a knot staring out the window wondering what to do. I just couldn't deal with this anymore. I wiped my tears as the door opened to the room. I knew it was NamJoon by the sound of his feet, he sat down beside me as I kept my back turned to him.

"Babe, look..."

"No NamJoon, I don't want to hear your fucking apology. Get away from me. Don't touch me, don't talk to me just leave me alone." I said in a cold tone.

I could feel him staring into my soul as I kept my back turned to him. It wasn't long before he lifted me into his arms. I kept my head down as I pushed him away only for my attempt to be a waste of energy.

"NamJoon leave me alone, go play with Mincha she doesn't need to be alone." I said as I tried to fight him.

"Stop it babe, she is with Jin. I'm not letting go so stop fighting me." He said as he held me closer to him. I began to hit his chest as I wanted to be free. All my tears rushed out of my eyes as he kissed my forehead.

"You are an asshole, NamJoon. Jooheon, was just my old friend that I used to work with. You got all jealous over a married man. I hate you. I hate you." I said as I hit his chest. NamJoon just held me closer to him as I cried in his arms. Once I calmed down he lifted my face and wiped my tear. He kissed me softly before cupping my face and saying,

"I'm sorry babe, but my ways aren't going to change over night but I promise that I'm going to work on them. I promise." He said as he kissed me softly.

He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on mines as I tried my best to be strong, but my heart was still calling his name. I laid my head on his chest as he hugged me tightly, the safe feeling that he always gave to me was still there. The butterflies were still there, and my heart was there longing for his touch and kiss. I sighed as I sat up and pulled him into kiss, taking him by surprise but he quickly gave into it. I straddled myself onto his lap as he rested his hands on my waist. My hands ran through his hair as we deepen our kiss. I broke the kiss as I looked into his eyes.

"This is my final time saying this NamJoon, I only want you. No one else but you." I said as it removed my dress pulling him back into kiss. He laid me down onto the bed as he hovered above me.

I pulled at the hem of his shirt as he broke the kiss, removing it as I pushed his sweatpants away. He removed my underwear before slowly entering me. He came back up and kissed me as he thrust into me slowly. I moan into our kiss as he increased his speed slowly. He broke the kiss and began to suck on my neck lightly as he increased his speed driving me over the edge. He placed my breast in his mouth while he twirled his tongue over my nipple teasing them and increasing the pleasuring he was giving me.

I felt the knot forming in the bottom of my stomach as I was close to releasing and NamJoon was too. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me softly as we both reached our highs. He kissed me until we were both done. He removed himself from me as he rested his forehead mines before kissing me one more time.

"Forgive me please," He whispered as he looked into my eyes. I nodded my head before kissing him again as I ran my fingers through his hair. He moan softly as my tongue caressed his, I reached down inserting his still harden cock into me as I knew he was still in need of satisfaction. He broke the kiss and shook his head before saying,

"I won't be able to control myself babe. I don't want to hurt you." I kissed him softly before saying,

"I trust you NamJoon." He nodded his head before thrusting into me again.

This time it was different, it was more force with each thrust throwing me into another place. NamJoon had always been this way though. Where this side of him had came from I never knew but I accepted it all. NamJoon felt my walls clenching as his cock was throbbing letting me know he close. He kept going as he reached my gspot with a smirk on his face. I ran my fingers through his hair as he watched my eyes roll back into my head as I moaned out his name.

"That's right babe, letting them know who you belong to." I smirked as he kept going pushing me right over the edge as we both reached our highs. NamJoon pulled away and shook his head.

"No more babe, other wise you won't be able to walk in morning." I chuckled as he kissed me once more.

The rest of the day, we spend it together just talking as we mend what was wrong making it right. I knew NamJoon was trying but I had begun to fear what would happen to me if he didn't get it under control.

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