A Prophecy and a Girl

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The forest was dark and eerie, and the darkened trees loomed over a lion and its rider like monsters. The air had grown considerably cold but it went unnoticed by the pair as the lion darted through the darkness like an arrow.

Owls hooted and the screams of wolves howling made the rider shiver only a little. The rider, wore a dark brown cloak that covered the face so the appearance shall not be mentioned to the reader.

The pair arrived at the lamppost in the Lantern Waste and the rider dismounted. 

"Courage dear heart, there will be harsher trials you must face soon but now is not the time," the lion told the rider gently.

"I shall miss you, Aslan," the rider replied, the voice indicating the rider was a girl.

"So will I, but you will return when the time is right. You are to stay with a friend of mine in the world of the Sons of Adam and daughters of Eve. You have immense power and it is only you who will need to watch and protect them."

The girl nodded respectfully then asked, "How will I know if I met them?"

Aslan smiled softly at her. "You will know, now take this." He blew softly at her and beautiful moon necklace appeared on her chest. "It holds a strong secret only the right boy can unlock it and show it's secrets."

"A boy?" The girl questioned, this was too much to take in.

The lion just smiled again, "Now go, my dear watcher. This world is not safe for you any longer. Go, and do not look back."

The watcher studied the lion's face for a moment then turned and ran into the forest. A roar erupted from behind her but she did as she was told and did not look back. Soon she disappeared from sight and from this world.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now