A Walk With Aslan

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The camp was dark save for only the light from torches beside the tents lit along the pathway.

The vegetation near me withered slightly when I passed as I walked slowly alongside Aslan. We headed deep into the woods behind the camp. If there was ever a sadder moment than this, it was now. The nighttime mist hung low over the trees like a blanket concealing the fate I knew was to come.

"Aslan, are you sure you have to do this?" I asked solemnly.

"It must be done, dear child," Aslan replied.

I looked at the ground as we entered the forest. I could sense Lucy and Susan follow us but I didn't say anything.

"I will miss you dearly, Aslan, I don't know what I'd do when you're gone."

"Be brave, young Watcher, and stand strong. The Pevensies will need you now more than ever before. The Sons of Adam will need you too."

I touched my necklace remembering the Prophecy.

"About that," I paused, "sir, I have many questions."

"I know, so does a Son of Adam."

He looked at me, "believe the prophecy, young one, your hardest trial is near at hand."

I sighed, "Aslan, you said that only the right boy can unlock the necklace, is Peter the one?"

"He is."

I looked at him surprised.

"Guard them, and guide them, young Watcher. This is the duty you were born to do."

"I will try and live up to my title, Aslan," I replied solemnly.

"I know you will."

The trees looked like foreboding monsters looming over us as we continued on through the forest.

There was a small noice behind us.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan asked.

Susan and Lucy came out from behind a tree and walked up to us.

"We couldn't sleep," Lucy replied.

"Please, Aslan, Layla," Susan asked. "Couldn't we come with you?"

"We wouldn't mind the company," I answered.

"Thank you," Aslan added.

Susan and Lucy gripped his mane gently and I put my arm around Lucy. Together we walked on in silence.

"It's time," Aslan spoke softly. "From here, I must go on alone."

"But Aslan-" Susan started.

"You have to trust me," Aslan instructed us. "For this must be done. Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy, Forest Watcher."

Aslan turned to walk off but I stopped him by running up to him and hugging his neck.

"Goodbye, Aslan," I whispered.

"Remember your duty, child," he said just as quietly.

I released my hold and watched him walk on. Susan and Lucy went to the edge of the forest to watch him but I didn't follow them. I couldn't bear it. Couldn't stand watching him......die.

Turning, I dashed through the woods. The flaps of my night cloak flapping in the wind and the grass rustled uneasily.

I reached camp and burst into my tent. I buried my face in the soft blankets. I had a one job to do, but I couldn't imagine doing it on my own.

Guard them, that I must do, till the day I die.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now