Edmund's Return

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Peter's POV

I stepped out of my tent in a new set of clothes. Layla greeted me with a smile. I noticed Oreius walking past us still in battle gear. Frowning, I saw him look up at a small ridge behind him. Edmund and Aslan were there, deep in conversation.

Lucy and Susan walked out of their tent.

"Edmund!" Lucy squealed as they noticed them. She started running to them but I stopped her.

Aslan and Edmund looked at us before finishing their conversation. When they were done, they came down from the ledge and walked over to us.

"What's done is done," Aslan told us. "There is no need to speak to Edmund about what has past." He left to go to his tent. 

"Hello," Edmund said, quietly.

Lucy grinned and ran over to hug him. He put his arms around her to return the hug. Susan was next then Layla came up.

"Glad you're in one piece," she smiled, gripping his shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm a little tired," he replied.

"Get some sleep," I suggested, nodding towards the tent behind us.

"And Edmund?" I added before he went into the tent. "Try not to wander off."

He grinned slightly then disappeared into the tent.


A few hours later, Layla, my siblings sat around a low table. I stood nearby, leaning against a rock face.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed," Lucy joked as Edmund took bite of another piece of bread.

Edmund grinned at her.

"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back," I spoke up.

They all looked at me.

"We're going home?" Susan asked as I returned to the table.

"You are," I replied, looking at my siblings, "I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe, but that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."

"But they need us," Lucy spoke up, "All five of us."

"Lucy, it's too dangerous!" I protested. "You almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed!"

"Which is why we have to stay," Edmund spoke up.

We all looked at him.

"I've seen what the White Witch can do, and I've helped her do it," he continued solemnly. "We can't leave these people behind to suffer for it."

Lucy reached over and squeezed his hand comfortingly and Layla smiled softly at him.

"Well, I suppose that's it then," Susan said, standing up from the table.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

She picked up her bow and arrows. "To get in some practice," she replied as Lucy and Layla stood up too.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now