Meeting Layla Cumé

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We arrived at our final destination. The Coombe Halt Station which was just a platform in the middle of the country with a dirt road beside it. A buggy horn sounded and we all ran down the steps to meet it but it just drove by.

"The professor knew we were coming," Susan said, a little unsure now.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled," Edmund frowned, studding the paper in his hands.

I looked between my siblings then we heard the sound of someone whipping a horse and an approaching carriage. A woman on a carriage came around the corner and pulled up to us.

"Whoa, whoa," the woman told the horse softly.

"Mrs. Macready?" I asked, hesitantly. Mother said Mrs. Macready was Professor Kirke's housekeeper.

"I'm afraid so," Mrs. Macready replied dryly. "Is this it then? Haven't you brought anything else?"

"No, ma'am, it's just us," I answered.

"Small favors," Mrs. Macready noted and motioned for us to get in.

The ride to the Professor's was short and mildly entertaining. Well maybe not entertaining since we never said anything on the way there. When we arrived, Mrs. Macready lead us inside the house and gave us a list of rules we must obey while we stayed in the mansion.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in his house, except the partly mute girl staying here. You'll met her soon."

My siblings exchanged a look. A partly mute girl?

"And as such," the woman continued as she lead us up the main staircase, "there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting, or running, no improper use of the dumbwaiter-"

At this moment Susan decided to touch a marble statue head.

"NO touching of the historical artifacts!" Macready barked making Susan draw back her hand. "And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the Professor."

The Macready lead us up to our rooms. "Boys, this is your room the girls room is right next door."

A young girl stood near the door watching us, she had long, nut brown hair that fell over her eyes partly and her soul-piercing grey eyes never once moved from us.

"Ah, this is your roommate Layla Cumé, she will be staying with you until you leave," Macready informed us.

"Greetings Layla," Susan greeted stretching our her hand for a shake. "I'm-"

"Susan Pevensie," Layla interrupted, "nice to meet you. You three must be Peter, Edmund, and Lucy."

We all looked at each other strangely. How did she know our names? We never met her.

Her gaze roamed over us again but lingered on me particularly which was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Um, so, uh, how, how long have you been here?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Three weeks," the girl replied simply.

(A/N): just found out this is Barbara Palvin in this picture

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(A/N): just found out this is Barbara Palvin in this picture. Nice photo right?

"Nice try, Peter," Susan mumbled loud enough for only me to hear.

I sent her a glare but she was right. The conversation starter didn't work on her. Oh boy, this is going to be awkward, I thought.


"German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain last night. The raids, which lasted for several hours...." the radio announced before Susan turned it off.

"The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy wined as I came over and sat at the end of her bed.

Susan stood nearby, "Wars don't last forever, Lucy," she assured her. "We'll be home soon."

"Yeah, if home is still there," Edmund retorted coming into the room.

"Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan sighed, rolling her eyes at our brother.

"Yes, Mum," Edmund shot at her.

"Ed!" I glared at him and he left the room.

"You saw the outside of this place, it's huge. Tomorrow's going to be great, really," I said, turning back to her.

Lucy looked down. "Why was Layla looking at you Peter?" She suddenly asked.

I started sputtering feeling heat rising to my face, "Um, uh-"

"Haha, Peter's blushing!" My sisters singsonged, full of laughter.

"Oh, shut up!" I snapped standing up and walking out the door.

"I think Peter has a crush!" Lucy hollered at my retreating back sending Susan into another laughing fit.

Ugh, girls. And I live with two of them, but seriously what's wrong with me?

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now