Sequel Preview!

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(Third person)

Professor Cornelius and Prince Caspian the tenth walked down the passageway on the wall of the Telmarine castle.

"And so the Kings and Queens of old were never heard of again," the Professor concluded his story. "They vanished into history."

"And what about Aslan?" Caspian asked.

"The Narnians asked the same question but to no avail. They were no match to the vitality of the Telmarines."

"We-killed them all," Caspian realized.

The Professor sighed. "Some fled to the woods, a few brave soles made a last stand at Cair Paravel. Still they held out hope that the four thrones may still be filled once again.

"What about the Guardian? Couldn't she have helped them?"

"The famous Guardian of the Royals never stepped foot in the Narnian woods again. Her magic seemed to die away. Some of the Narnians even doubt that the Guardian ever had magic. All that was left was the signet ring on one of the King's saddles."

The Professor looked at the night sky. "An old tale once told that moon's power will be relit when the halves are reunited. However, that is a tale too old to be true."


Relight My Moon is the next book.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now