Hunted by the Wolves

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Peter's POV

"Hurry!" I yelled as we darted up the hill to catch up with Edmund before he got the Witch's Castle.

I helped Lucy up the hill while Susan and Layla ran behind me with Mr. Beaver. Once we got to the top, we saw Edmund go through the gates of the castle.

"Edmund!" Lucy yelled.

"Shh! They'll hear ya!" Mr. Beaver hissed

I started running after him but Layla grabbed my arm.

"No!" She instructed.

"You're playing into their hands!" Beaver told us.

"We can't let him go!" Susan insisted.

"He's our brother!" Lucy added.

"He's the bait!" Layla replied.

"She's right! The Witch wants all five of ya!" Beaver informed us.

"Why?" I asked.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true!" Mr. Beaver replied. "To kill you!"

I looked at my siblings mortified. Kill us?

"This is all your fault!" Susan accused me.

"My fault?" I repeated.

"None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!" She yelled.

"Oh, so you knew this would happen," I retorted.

"I didn't know what would happen," she admitted. "Which is why we should have left while we still could!"

"Stop it!" Lucy demanded.

"This isn't going to help Edmund," Lucy pointed out.

"She's right, only Aslan can save your brother now," Mr. Beaver told us.

"Then take us to him," I asked.


"Hurry, Mama! Their after us!" Beaver exclaimed as we all burst into the little house.

We were heading back when we heard wolves howl. Layla instantly knew they were on our tails and ordered us to make a run for it.

"Oh, right then," Mrs. Beaver replied, running around the house gathering things.

"What is she doing?" I asked incredulously.

"Gathering supplies of course, blockhead," Layla retorted.

I just frowned at her.

"Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry," she replies.

"I'm cranky now!" Beaver exclaimed.

I started helping Mrs. Beaver pack with Susan's assistance.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked.

"Only if the Witch serves toast!" I deadpanned.

Susan scowled at me while Layla rolls her eyes.

The building started cracking and we all gasped, looking up.

"Come on!" Beaver urged us, opening a door close by that led down to some tunnels.

"Badger and me dug this. Comes right out near his place." Mr. Beaver led us through the tunnels.

Lucy fell on a root but Layla kept her from falling.

"Lucy!" Susan exclaimed.

We could hear the wolves howling in the tunnel.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now