Time for War

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Peter's POV

It was near dawn when I stepped out of the tent me and my brother shared. Last night, a dryad sent from our sisters came.

"She's right," I said, a tinge of sadness in my voice as I leaned on the table with the battle plans. "He's gone."

After receiving the dreadful news of Aslan's death from the dryad, I couldn't go back to sleep. How was I to lead the Narnians without Him? I was to be High King of Narnia.

"Then you'll have to lead us," Edmund spoke up.

I looked at him.

"Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you," he pointed out.

"I can't," I exclaimed.

"Aslan believed you could," Edmund replied, "and so do I."

"As do I," a new voice spoke up.

Layla stood there, the sleeve of her dress hung off her left shoulder loosely revealing some of her ivory skin. Her alluring grey eyes were red and misty.

"I promised Aslan I'd keep you and your siblings from harm, as is my one job. As Forest Watcher, I willingly offer my services to face death with my life for you, my Kings," she pledged bowing.

"Layla, I-" I started to say but she stopped me.

"Whatever it is, it's best that it goes unspoken," she replied softly.

I looked at the ground. She was willing to lay down her life to guard us? I-I can't let her do that! She's-

"The Witch's army is near in sight, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius questioned, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked down at the map. This was would be my first battle as leader of a whole army of Narnians.


"Layla, wait," I called, running up to her as she walked to her tent to fetch her weapons.

She stopped, but she didn't turn around.

"I don't think this is the time for talking, Your Highness," she replied.

"Layla, please you can't do this," I ran my fingers through my hair. "I- I won't let you do it."

She turned and looked at me. "I promised Aslan I would. I'll die if it means you guys get to live."

"But, are you not scared to die out there?"

She sighed, "We're all scared of something, Peter, and we've all got a duty. This is mine."

She then smiled softly, "Hey, I knew the moment I first met you, you'll make a great King one day. Trust me, and I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

I reached out and took her into my arms for a hug. I couldn't help it, it was as if on instinct.

"Aslan will help us," she whispered into my chest.


The entire Narnian army stood behind us prepared for the battle to come. Some stood on the rocks above us and a griffin soared through the air. Layla and I were mounted on our horses and positioned in front of the army with Oreius beside us.

The griffin landed beside Layla after a quick flyby over our troops.

"They've come, Your Highness," he reported, "in numbers and weapons far greater then our own."

"Number do not win a battle," Oreius corrected from the other side of me.

"No, but I bet they help." I looked out over the plain to the Witch's army.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now