Frozen Waterfall.

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Layla's POV

We stared down at the melting ice. I could sense the world waking up. Soon I would be able to use my earth powers again.

"We need to cross now!" Peter instructed, taking Lucy's hand.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not that fast, dear," Mr. Beaver told her.

We started down but Susan stopped us.

"Wait! Will you guys just think about this for a moment," Susan insisted.

"We don't have a minute!" Peter pointed out.

"I'm just trying to be realistic," Susan defended.

"No, you're just trying to be smart, as usual," Peter retorted.

Hastily, we made our way down the small pathway leading to frozen water below. Peter held onto Lucy's hand while I followed Susan.

When we got to the bottom, Peter carefully put his foot on it but it started to crack under his weight.

"Wait, maybe I should go first," Beaver suggested.

"Maybe you should," Peter agreed.

Beaver makes his way across the river patting his tail on the ice. Some of the ice breaks under his weight.

"You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver asked.

"Well, you never know which meal is going to be your last. Especially with your cooking," Beaver replied.

I slowly followed behind Beaver with Peter, Susan and Lucy and Mrs. Beaver behind me. The ice cracked a few times in several places. I kept looking behind me to make sure that nothing had happened to the siblings

"If Mum knew what we were doing," Susan started.

"Mum's not here." Peter interrupted, annoyed.

Suddenly, I heard ice fall from above us. I looked up and saw the wolves running along the top of the waterfall.

"Oh, no!" Lucy cried.

"Run!" I ordered them.

We quickened up our pace still being careful of the cracking ice. However, the wolves managed to get down onto the ice in front of us stopping us in our tracks. I looked behind and saw more wolves behind us.

Mr. Beaver tried threatening them but one of the wolves pounced on him and pinned him to the ice. Maugrim approached us bearing his teeth.

"No!" Cried Mrs. Beaver, seeing her husband taken down.

Peter drew his sword and I loaded my bow. Boy, having my earth powers would really come in handy right about now!

"Put down your weapons you two, someone could get hurt," Maugrim snarled.

"Down worry about me! Run him through!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed, struggling under the wolf's grasp.

"Leave now while you can, and your brother goes with you, but give us the Forest Watcher," Maugrim snarled.

"Stop it Peter, Layla, maybe we should listen to him," Susan agreed.

"Oh, so you want to sacrifice me to lose your lives now, huh?" I retorted.

Susan scowled at me but Peter and I still didn't lowery our weapons.

"Smart girl," Maugrim snorted.

"Don't listen to him! Kill him now!" Mr. Beaver yelled.

"Oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to hand over The Forest Watcher and to take your family and leave," Maugrim snarled

"Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero, just drop it!" Susan insisted.

"That's enough Susan," I ordered. "I'm not leaving you guys."

"What will it be, Son of Adam?" Maugrim asked. "I won't wait forever, and neither will the river."

I looked up at the waterfall. It was starting to crack more. Water started pouring out of the ice.

"Peter!" Lucy exclaimed.

He looked up.

Ha! Saved by the river.

"Hold onto me!" He ordered, stabbing his sword into the ice.

Susan and Lucy grabbed his coat and I used my grapple hook to cling onto the ice.

The walls of ice came crashing down on us and made a huge wave crash over us fully covering us. We emerged wet and cold. The beavers helped push the ice towards shore.

Lucy started slipping so I pulled her further up the ice chunk but when she slipped again so I unhooked my grapple hook and slipped into the icy water with her. I took her hand and guided her to the shore with me.

When we got onto shore, Susan was calling for us Peter was frightened.

I rang out my hair and walked up to them with Lucy.

"Has anyone see my coat?" Lucy asked.

They both looked relieved. Peter put her coat on her even though it was also wet as I looked around at the blooming trees the grass starting to peak out from under the snow.

"Don't worry, dear. You brother's got you well looked after," Mr. Beaver assured Lucy and I laughed.

"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore," Mrs. Beaver added.

I could feel my magic flood back into my veins. A wonderful magical feeling. The forest was awake once more and I was in command of them again.

I went up to a nearby tree and ran my hand a long it's trunk. Moss began to grow on the spots where my fingers traced. I went over to a fallen lot and stretched my arm out making vines and tiny little plants grow on the dead log. I never felt more alive than ever before!

I laughed, spinning around in a circle. Flowers popped up from the ground around me, their lovely scents filling the air around.

When I looked at the Pevensies, they were watching me with their mouths open, even the beavers seemed shocked.

I laughed again, Peter looked even more (in love) then before, which was funny. Susan nudged her brother to get him back to earth and we continued on our journey. We left our coats on tree trunks in the forest since we didn't have any use for them anymore.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now