The Watcher's Moon

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Layla's POV

The Witch's Army was indeed huge. There were several ugly creatures among them and a few giants. The Witch herself stood upon her chariot pulled by two polar bears. She wore a very gothic looking dress and around her neck was Aslan's mane.

I gulped then Peter drew his sword to challenge them.

"I have no need of prisoners, kill them all," I heard the Witch say to her general. "bring the Watcher to me, dead or alive."

Otmin lets out a loud growl and the entire army charges towards us. Peter gave the signal, and the griffins flew overhead us with large boulders. They began to drop their loads on the enemy army. Some of the some of the dwarfs fired arrows at them.

Peter looked at Oreius and me, "Are you with me?"

"To the death," Oreius replied.

"Do you need to ask?" I added and Glimmer stamped her hoof impatiently.

A small grin perked the edge of his lip. "For Narnia!" He shouts and the Narnians join in.

"And Aslan!" I finished.

We charged forward to meet the army, the Narnain army following right behind us. The soldiers out front put down their spears.

Our armies clashed together and there was great noice of metal on metal. I struck down enemies with my green earth blasts and caused roots to shoot up from the ground and knock out the Witches army by tossing them aside. Glimmer glitched in and out of visibility, taking some of them by surprise. We made sure to stay close to Peter and his horse.

The fight went on. Many of the Witch's army fell and so did ours, but the White Witch still had more men than us.

A loud squawk rang out in the air, drawing my attention to the sky. Edmund had sent down a Phoenix to us and a separate our two armies with a trail of fire. The Narnians cheered but I sensed the grass move then the fire was quickly put out by the witch's ice powers.

Peter looked around. "Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!" He ordered.

Our army turned and raced back the way we came, the Witch's army following behind us.

As we headed for the rocks, Ginarrbrik fired at Peter's horse causing it to stumble and throw Peter forward off the horse and onto the ground, knocking his helmet off.

I quickly jumped off Glimmer and ran over to him. He was stunned from the fall and his helmet had come off from impact, so I caused vines to grow up and create a temporary shield for us but I knew they wouldn't stay up forever, the Witch's army was still advancing.

Oreius and a rhino rushed past us and straight into the enemy army.

"No stop!" I yelled. They couldn't do this, not without reinforcements!

The rhino fell, but Oreius continued on. He killed the Witch's general then headed for the witch. He jumped over the witch and made a swing for her throat but she ducked it then turned him into stone with her wand.

Two griffin's attacked her after that but she was ready, of course. She swiped at one and turned the other to stone. The stone griffin crashed into rock face above us, causing debris to fall. I quickly diverted my vine shield to cover us.

"Edmund, there's too many of them!" Peter yelled at Edmund just a few feet from us. "Get the girls and get them home!"

I screamed when my vines started weakening.

"Layla!" Peter exclaimed, worried.

"I'm fine. I'm not letting her win this!"

We continued to fight the army, but I could feel my earth powers start to weaken.

"Peter's not king yet," I heard Edmund say to Mr. Beaver. "Layla's powers won't last for long."

I looked in his direction and saw him attack the Witch. There was a flash of blue light and the wand broke. I made a run for the pair as the Witch effortlessly disarmed him and shoved him out of the way.

The feeling of the wand going through my flesh was like frostbite sinking it's teeth deep into skin.

I gasped. So this is what it was like to get stabbed. I could feel my powers slipping away from my grasp and I couldn't hold onto them even if I tried.

"Layla?" I heard Edmund ask quietly like he was afraid of the answer.

Peter's POV

While Edmund hovered over Layla, I attacked the Witch. I had to dodge several of her vigorous strikes with her two swords. Then a loud roar erupted the air around.

Aslan was back and with more Narnians. Susan and Lucy was there with their weapons out.

"Impossible!" The Witch exclaimed then she resumed her attack.

I managed to block more of her vigorous strikes but then she tripped me and used her one sword to pin my chain mail to the ground. She twirled the other sword ready strike again when Aslan pounced on her.

I quickly pulled out the sword from my chain mail and stood up just as Aslan finished killing her.

"It is finished," he said as my sisters ran up to me.

"Where is Edmund and Layla?" Susan asked as Lucy hugged me.

"Layla!" I exclaimed running over to where they last were.

Susan saw Ginarrbrik and fired at him.

"Layla!" The girls cried rushing over to her side.

Her skin was as pale snow and an open gash in her side spilled blood. Even the ground around had lost its life.

"Can you guys help her?" Edmund asked.

We all gathered around and Lucy quickly pulled out her cordial. She carefully put a drop in Layla's mouth.

"It's not working!" Lucy exclaimed after a few agonizing moments. The wound had healed but she still looked like death.

I leaned over her. Please, Layla. Don't die. I touched her necklace. Ok I admit it, I kinda did like Layla but I was just too stupid to realize it.

Just then, moon started to glow. My siblings and I watched in amazement as the moon split in two and the grass got their color back. Her skin color was back!

She opened her eyes. "Oh, you're all still alive," she said.

Everyone managed a laugh.

I gathered her into a tight hug. "Don't scare me again, Layla."

I felt her laugh.

"I don't know about that," she broke away and grinned. "I had a duty and I'll keep it til I die.

She took half of the moon necklace and placed it in my hand. "The moon's halves will never stop glowing from now on."

She looked at Aslan who stood nearby and blew softly on a stone satyr, bringing it back to life.

"Isn't there a duty you need to do?"

Lucy grinned at Layla and grabbed her cordial. She ran around reviving wounded soldiers.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now