Fifteen Years Later

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The past years was the best thing ever. I preformed my duty well, perhaps too well. The boys often tried to get me to rest but I never did. Someone could murder them when I'm off duty! That never happened of course. Oh and the secret of the Moon? Well, since the moon unlocked. Peter and I were efficient in court and stronger in battles. With the power of the moon, two leaders were united as one.

(Layla's grownup self)

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(Layla's grownup self)

Meanwhile, the girls and I had many fun moments together. From endless hours of weapons practices (where I learned swordsmanship), tea parties in the royal gardens and sleepovers, to discussing battle natters, court issues, and countless suitors. Yes, we had many princes from all over the world seek out our hands in marriage. Susan had the most come to her but she rejected them all. Lucy too had some suitors but not as many as Susan. A few princes did come to me for marriage as well which would set Peter ablaze. He never let any man more than ten feet from me unless he happened to be Edmund. I thought it was funny. Peter did have feelings for me after all and his siblings never once stopped teasing him about it.

"Peter and Layla sitting in a tree!" The girls would sing-song teasingly. "First come love, comes marriage, then comes-"

"SHUT UP!" Peter would roar, his face burning red probably from embarrassment.

We'd all then crack up at this. Ah, good times.

Today, we had just received news that the White Stag was in Narnia.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I exclaimed happily, running to the stables.

The Pevensies were close behind me. We all quickly got out our horses and mounted them. 

"You girls wait in the castle, I'll get the stag myself!" Edmund yelled at us as he galloped out of the stables ahead of us.

His siblings and I laughed and we followed him out.

It was an amazing ride chasing the stag through the forest. I could feel my earth magic course though me as we weaved through the trees and jumped over logs. Lucy raced by Susan and I on our horses laughing.

"Look out for tree branches, you might get smacked!" I hollered at her making Susan crack up.

(A/N: I'm not good at making puns. So if you guys come up with a better one, I'll replace this one.)

I noticed Edmund and Philip slow down so I pulled Glimmer to a halt and walked her back to him.

"You two ok?" I asked.

"Philip's tired," Edmund explained.

"You're lucky you age slowly, Glimmer," Philip told Glimmer as she nudge him with her neck.

"I wouldn't worry about that, Philip," she replied.

The others returned when they noticed our absence.

"Come on, Ed," Susan encouraged, still fun of smiles.

"Just catching my breath," Edmund replied.

"That's all we'll catch at this rate," Susan joked.

"What did he say again, Susan and Layla?" Lucy asked.

"You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself," Susan imitated and we all laughed.

"What's this?" Peter asked, noticing a vaguely familiar lamppost in the middle of the forest.

We all dismounted and went over to the post.

"It seems familiar," I noted.

"As if from a dream," Susan added.

"Or a dream of a dream," Lucy concluded. "Spare Oom."

She suddenly ran off in a direction.

"Lucy!" Peter called after her.

"Not again," Susan sighed, running after her with the others.

I started to follow but then stopped. Oh no, they were going back to England! I turned to the five horses.

"Go back the castle and tell the others that the Kings and Queens won't be coming back for a long time," I instructed, "and do not speak of what happened."

"What's wrong, Guardian?" Peter's horse questioned.

"I need not explain that," I replied. "And Glimmer? Stay alive, please."

"Will do," she responded.

I ran over to Philip and attached my signet ring on his saddle horn. "Now go!" I commanded.

They obediently galloped off and I ran off in the direction the Pevensies ran using vines to help me catch up.

"Come on!" Lucy urged us when I caught up to them.

We came to the part of the forest where the trees were the thickest. Some of them weren't even branches.

"These aren't branches," Peter noted.

"Their coats," Susan realized.

"Susan, you're on my foot!" Edmund exclaimed.

"Peter, move off!" Lucy exclaimed this time.

"Stop pushing!" I yelped. Our voices suddenly started to change.

"I'm not on your toe!" Edmund complained.

Wow, this argument sounds familiar. I thought.

We all burst through the doors of a wardrobe and landed on the floor of the spare room in England. We were all back in our old clothes and our younger selves.

The door to the room suddenly opened and Professor Kirk walked in with our cricket ball.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, with a smile. "What are you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir," Peter replied, after looking at us.

Professor Kirk tossed the ball to Peter. "Try me."


I followed Lucy as she approached the wardrobe and opened the door.

"I don't think you'll ever get back that way," the Professor spoke up from his spot at a window. "You see, I've already tried."

He stood up and walked over to us.

"Will we ever go back?" Lucy asked, sadly.

"Oh I expect so," he replied. "But it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it."

"Yes," I agreed bending down to her level. "All the same, its best to keep our eyes open."

We walked out of the room both of us eager for the next amazing adventure in the world of Narnia.

I heard Aslan roar behind me, the Watcher's duty was not yet over.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now