Aslan's Camp

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By noon we had entered Aslan's camp.  A ram's horn announced our arrival. The beavers and the Pevensies followed behind me. It was good be back with the fellow Narnians.

Lucy turned to see a Dryad forming and they waved at each other. I greeted the dryad too with a nod of my head.

As we continued further into camp, the Narnians stopped what they were doing to watch us. Some whispering amongst themselves.

"Is that the legendary Forest Watcher?"

"She hasn't been heard of for over a hundred years!"

"Why are they all staring at us?" Susan asked.

"Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy joked and I laughed.

"Oi, stop your fussing," Mr. Beaver told his wife. "You look lovely."

We came up to the main tent, in front of the camp.

"Greetings, General Oreius," I greeted the centaur guard, bowing respectfully.

"Layla," he returned, nodding his head.

"We have come to see Aslan."

The tent flap moved slightly. The Narnians behind us knelt as did I. The Pevensies looked at the tent as Aslan stepped out then they knelt.

"Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam. Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve. Welcome, Layla, Forest Watcher, and to you beavers, you three have my thanks. But where is the fifth?" Aslan addressed us.

The Pevensies stood up.

"That's why we're here, sir," Peter replied.
"We need your help."

"We had some trouble along the way," Susan added.

"Their brother's been captured by the Witch, Aslan," I told him. "I can't help him."

"Captured?" Aslan asked, "how could this happen?"

"He betrayed them, Your Majesty," Mr. Beaver answered.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" Oreius exclaimed.

"Peace, Oreius," Aslan ordered. "I'm sure there is an explanation."

"It's my fault, really," Peter admitted, "I was too hard on him."

Susan rubbed his arm comfortingly. "We all were," she added.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy asked Aslan.

"I know, dear one. But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think."


In just a few hours, the Pevensies and I were settled in our own separate tents. Peter and I had our own separate tents while Susan and Lucy shared one.

I quickly changed into an pretty outfit better fitting for a Forest Watcher and strapped back on my weapons.

Ah! It was great to be back in Narnian clothes

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Ah! It was great to be back in Narnian clothes. The London ones were just a little too uncomfortable.

I walked outside and looked around the camp. Several Narnians greeted me warmly with smiles and hellos. Being the Forest Watcher was a tough job but I was fine with it.

I whistled out from among the tents came Glimmer, my transparent horse with the same powers as me and very agile.

"Layla!" She cried. "I knew it was you when whistled!"

"Glimmer!" I greeted my lifelong friend, "I missed you!" Aslan had made her age slowly so she could serve me for as long as I was in Narnia.

Forest Watcher (Book 1) A Peter Pevensie Romance Where stories live. Discover now