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*Changbins POV
Chan drops me off home. Telling me to have a good night and that he'll see me tomorrow.

I enter the house. The faint sound of the tv being heard.

"I'm home." I say as I take off my shoes. Dropping my bag by the stairs as I pass by it.

I enter the living room and see my parents sitting on the couch.

"Welcome back." They say.

"Dinners on the table." My mom says with a soft smile.

I walk over to the loveseat and sigh as I sit on it. Body relaxing into it.

"Hard practice?" My dad asks as he puts his book down.

I nod. "Practice match with a different school."

"My, that coach sure is pushing you guys." My mom chimes in.

"Yeah. But luckily tomorrow we have the day off."

Then remembering about the planned sleepover.

"Hey, is it alright if I have a sleepover tomorrow?"

My parents looking at me surprised.

"On a school night?" My dad asks.

I nod sheepishly.

"I know. But tomorrow is our day off. So who knows when we'll get another one. And Chan wanted to hang out but everyone wants to sleep. Plus I might have already offered to have it here."

My parents nodding and then looking at each other. Back at me with a smile.

"I don't see why not." My mom says.

"Glad you've adjusted well."

I nod. "Me too."
I woke up to a text from Chan. Like always.

Sure enough, I heard a knock echoing throughout the house

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Sure enough, I heard a knock echoing throughout the house. Then muffled chattering being heard.

My mom must've opened up.

I hear footsteps walking up the stairs. And then in the hall. Getting closer to my room.

I quickly hide under my blankets and hug the shark plushie close to me.

I hear the door open and footsteps coming in.

"Changbin? Don't tell me you fell asleep again." I hear Chan speak.

I wanted to laugh out but I didn't want to give away my position.

"And to think I brought you my delicious egg and cheese sandwich... ahh oh well, I guess I'll eat it."

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now