We are?

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~1 week later
*Changbins POV
"I'm not fucking kissing you!" I shout as Jisung hugs me and tries to kiss my cheek.

"It's just the cheek! We needed to improvise and this is it!" He shouts back.

"I hate that you guys need to do the kissing scene." Minho mumbles as he glares at us.

"Same here." I hear Chan whisper as he continues to watch me struggle next to him.

"Just let him kiss you hyung! We need the kiss to be perfect!" Felix shouts as he does a chefs kiss at the word 'perfect'.

"Do you need help Changbin?" Sam asks as he watches me struggle across from him.

"Please get your fucking boyfriend!" I shout as I continue to push Jisung away.

"I give up. I'll just kiss you the day of the play. But if it's bad, don't fucking blame me." Jisung says as he returns to Minho.

The elder whispering something into his ear. Jisung turning red and stuttering so much and avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend.

"Jeez thanks for the help." I mutter to Chan.

The boy just looking at me with an innocent smile. Eyes shaping into a crescent moon shape.

"You're welcome."

"I offered to help." Sam spoke up.

"Thanks. At least someone is helpful." I say towards Chan.

But when I looked at him, he was glaring at Sam. Like he wanted to kill the boy for what he said.

I look at Hyunjin and Seungmin. Them, already looking at me. All surprised by the sudden change of Chan's look.

"I'm gonna get food." I say as I get up. Pushing Jisung away took a lot of energy from me.

"I'll come with!" Sam and Chan exclaim at the same time.

Everyone at the table stifling their laughter.

I was surprised they would want to come with me. To get lunch. That will take only 5 minutes.

Chan and Sam were staring at each other. Their eyes dark and glaring.

I sigh. "Fine."

Both of them looking at me with such sweet smiles. And then following me to the lunch line.

I was in the middle. Chan to my right and Sam to my left.

"So where did you get those bracelets? They're really nice." Sam asks as he points to my friendship bracelets.

I bring my arms up to examine them. Smiling at the memory of them. Even though it wasn't long ago.

"Chris and the others made them." I answer.

I start to tell him which one was who's.

"That means you have them too. Right Chris?" Sam asks.

Chan nods and shows his right wrist first. Mine the only one still on it.

"Why is there only one? Shouldn't there be 7?" Sam asks as he continues to look at the bracelet.

"This is the one Changbin made for me. It's special to me." Chan answers casually.

Then he shows his left wrist. The other 6 bracelets on it.

Sam examining each one.

"Why is Changbins special?" Sam asks as he backs away and returns next to me.

The line was moving much slower today. And I honestly didn't like the atmosphere that surrounded us.

"Because Changbin and I are,,, I guess you can say closer then the others."

"We live next door to each other. And see one another almost 24 hours of the day." I giggle out.

Even though Chan knows the rest better and have been friends longer with them, he and I just have this special bond that clicked right away as soon as we got closer.

"I see. Well, I hope to be closer with you Changbin." Sam says as he smiles at me.

The same dimpled smile.

"Of course!" I say and soon it was my turn to get lunch.

Finally. I don't think I could handle anymore of the tension.

Chan and Sam a few feet behind me as I got my lunch. When I turned around to them, they were whispering.

Chan having an angry face and Sam smiling.

I was curious about what they were talking about. I'll have to ask Chan later. Or Sam.

"Let's go." I say as I break whatever what was happening between them.

"I need to get a drink from the vending machine." Chan spoke as he walks away from us.

"What happened? He looks upset." I say as we watch him walk and then start our way back.

Sam shrugs. "I simply told him that you and I were going to hang out this weekend."

Wait what? We were?

"We are?" I ask as we sit at the table and to our spots.

"Why not? Might be fun." He says.

I nod and agree.

The others pretending to have a conversation with each other but listening in.

"Great. Saturday at 3."
"You're going on a date!" Jisung shouts throughout the club room.

"Hanging out. Much different!" I defend.

"Guys shut up about it! Chan hyungs coming!" Felix whisper yells.

We all resume to our changing as our captain enters the room.

He didn't look like his happy self. The smile that was always on his face was gone and replaced with a slight frown.

"You okay hyung?" Jeongin asks.

Chan just nods and starts to get changed.

"I don't like this." Hyunjin whispers to me.

I didn't either. I missed seeing his smile.

"Guys. I'm scared. What if he makes us do receive dives?" Jisung whispers as he looks scared.

"What are we doing today, Captain?" I ask.

He looks at us. Eyes glum.

"Uh,, serves." He answers.

Minho enters in and notices Chan's upset funk.

"Guys, go ahead and start your stretches."

We nod and leave the room.

I hope Chan will return to his happy self.

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