After Camp

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*Changbins POV
We finished the long hard week of training camp. My body was sore and I just wanted to sleep for a whole ass month.

Chan had just dropped me off home. My parents were at work when I enter the empty house.

I go to my room, duffel bag in hand. I enter my room and see everything still in place as I left it.

I take out all my dirty clothes from my bag and place it in my hamper with my other dirty clothes.

In the process of doing so, the knee pad Chan let me have fell out. I picked it up and stared at it.

My heart rushing a bit as I remembered him giving it to me.

I shouldn't be this way. He was just a friend.

My thoughts were cut off when I hear a knocking coming from downstairs.

I put the pad down and rush downstairs and opening the door.

Speak of the devil.

Chan was standing there, a smile on his face like always. He seemed to have showered, judging by the damp hair.

"Missed me already?" I joked as I let him in.

I can see a light pink tint grow on his cheeks. Or maybe I was seeing things.

"Ha. Ha. No, I just came here to ask if we can study." Chan says as he takes his shoes off.

I nod. "Sure. Let me take a quick shower."

Chan nods and waits in the living room while I go wash up.

My mind started racing with crazy ideas. I was home alone with Chan. And he came over, after a long week of seeing each other everyday, just to study Korean.

What if he kisses me?

He's not going to kiss me.

But what if?!

I shake my thoughts away and shut the water off. I get dried and changed. A pair of joggers and white shirt.

I leave my bathroom and go downstairs to Chan. He was on his phone.

"We can go up to my room." I say as I didn't bother leaving the stairs.

Chan nods and grabs his bag and follows me to my room.

"Very simple." I hear him say as he looks around.

"Well yeah. What else should I have?" I laugh out.

"Nothing else. I'm just saying. My room is almost the same." He says and sits on my bed.

"Let me grab a chair for you." I say and go grab a chair from the garage.

I return back and see Chan looking at a framed photo.

I immediately knew which photo it was.

"That was from my first volleyball game." I spoke, scaring Chan by my sudden presence.

"Really? Wow." He says and looks at it closely.

I hand him the chair and he thanks me, placing it next to my desk chair.

"Alright. So what exactly are you having problems with?" I ask as I grab my own notebook and pen.

He turns to a page. One that he seemed to have worked on by himself.

"Well, I just want to see if I wrote these words correctly." He says and slides the book over to me.

I see the page filled with many different words. His Hangul neatly written. Some smudges littered on the paper.

I scan through the list. Marking some words that were spelled incorrectly or missing a consonant/vowel.

I hand it back. Chan looks at it and starts to nod at his mistakes.

"You're getting the hang of it. But you're still adding extra vowels." I explain.

I point at the word 'difficult'.

"This one is a tough one. Because it consist a series of vowels that sound a like."

Chan nods at my words. Understanding what I was trying to tell him.

"Okay. I think I got it. Thanks." He smiles at me.

I feel my cheeks burn and look away. Hoping he didn't notice them.

We continued on with his lesson. Even having him take a quick quiz.

"Your Koreans good. I don't understand why you need help." I comment as he packs up his things.

"I just like the extra help." He answers.

He gets up and stretches. I do the same.

"Changbin! I'm home!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs.

I rush out my room, Chan following behind me.

"Welcome home." I say and hug my dad.

"Good to be home. Hello Chan." My dad says as he notices Chan standing on the stairs.

Chan smiles and walks to my dad. Hand extended out.

"Sorry for the intrusion." Chan spoke.

My dad shakes his hand with a smile.

"Good to see you again. And no trouble at all. You're always welcome here." My dad says.

Chan thanks him and my dad looks at me.

"How was camp?" He asks.

"Exhausting. I want to sleep for a month." I breathe out.

Chan and my dad laughing at my response.

"Well, I bet you had fun. Right Chan?" My dad asks the boy.

Chan nods happily. "Definitely. He's an excellent player. Glad to have him on the team."

I felt butterflies in my stomach as he says that. But it died away as I realized he probably meant everyone was glad to have me on.

"Why don't you join us for dinner, Chan?" My dad offers.

Chan has to think for a moment before agreeing.

"I'd be happy to. Just let me inform my parents." He says as he goes back upstairs to his phone.

"Sweet boy. I'm glad you two are friends." My dad comments and walks to the kitchen.

Yeah. Me too.

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