Camp Pt.2

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*Changbins POV
"Punishment time!" Chan exclaims as we all change into our tennis shoes and out the gym.

We were losing so many sets that we had to do a lot of punishments.

First one was receiving. Second was passing. Now we were on the third one.

This punishment was a lot worse then the last two. We had to run up and down a hill that was near the gym.

It was a big steep hill.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Chan yells out. We all started to race to the top. Feet digging into the grass and dirt.

I reach the top along with Jisung and Seungmin. The other team members following slow behind. We were all tired and our stamina was being drained.

We then walk back down. Breathing heavily, panting. Needing water in our body.

We grab our bottles and chug water. Our dry throats being rehydrated.

"Ahhhh I'm so glad this was our last set." Jisung whines out as he wipes his sweat with a small towel.

Everyone nodding and mumbling in agreement. Chan appears next to me. A tired smile on his face.

That smile that was making my heart flutter. Why was I behaving like this? Why did he make my heart rush?

"Don't you ever get tired of smiling?" I chuckle out as I continue to drink my water.

"Nope. Besides people like my smile." He says and points to the ends of his mouth, dimples being slightly covered.

I roll my eyes playfully and start to walk. Hearing him following me.

"You don't like my smile?" He asks with a slight pout.

Oh jeez. That was cute.

I blush a bit. Being thankful that it could be blamed on the heat.

"I guess. It is nice." I say and smile back at him.

"You have a nice smile too!" Chan says and pokes my cheeks.

Realizing what he did, he quickly moved away, apologizes and excuses himself.

I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

"He's starting to like you." Jisung whispers in my ear. I jump up and look at him.

"Wh-what?" I stutter.

He laughs at my reaction and leans back.

"He did the same thing to me. I haven't seen him like this since then. You must be really getting to him." Jisung points out.

That's right. Chan had a crush on Jisung. And the younger knows what the signs and gestures mean.

"I can tell you're starting to like him too." Jisung comments.

I blush and scoff.

"I do not." I lie.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah and I don't like volleyball."

He walks away and back to the gym. His words lingering in my mind.

Did I like Chan? Pssh nah.
"Finally! Food!" Jisung shouts throughout the cafeteria as he places a tray on the table.

"You're going to get sick eating all that food." Seungmin points out.

"And you're gonna get light headed from the very little portion you have." Jisung retorts back.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but Jisung is right." Hyunjin says.


Everyone laughs.

"It's okay Jisung, you're always right in my book." Minho says and kisses the youngers cheek.

"So you think he's right that mint chocolate chip should be an ice cream?" Felix asks.

Minho cringes at the mention topic.

"Expect that."

"What about pineapple on pizza?" Jeongin asks.

"And that."

"Oh what about him saying that jump kicking should be a new way to open water bottles?" I add on.

"Jisung, sweetie. I hate to say it. But you're sometimes wrong in my book." Minho says and looks at Jisung.

The younger being dramatic and falling onto Minhos arm. Whining and pouting about him not being right to Minho.

I can hear Chan laugh next to me. It was such a beautiful sound.

"Day 1 is over. Another 6 days to go." Chan comments as the laughter dies down.

"Ugh don't remind us." Hyunjin groans.

"Come on guys! We can do it!" Jeongin says trying to lightening the mood.

And of course it worked. No one could resist his charms.
"Rise and Shine!" The curtains of the room were pulled back. The rising sunbeams shining through.

I can hear everyone groan and shuffling in their futons. I too doing the same and covering the light by lifting the blanket up and over my head.

"Come on guys! We need to eat breakfast!" It was Chan speaking.

I can hear a blanket being tossed and someone standing up.


I remove the blanket from my head and look around. Everyone was also getting up. Rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

"Fold and roll up the futons. Then get dressed and head to the cafeteria." Chan spoke with a smile.

Everyone mumbles and went to get ready.

We soon finished our light breakfast and headed to the gym to start our warm ups.

I was sitting on the floor, legs stretched out and leaning forward.

"Oh Changbin. Here." I look up from the ground and see Chan standing over me. A hand extended out holding a knee pad.

"I already have mine." I answer pointing to the pads already on my knees.

Chan shakes his head. "It's for your right elbow. I notice you use that arm more and get bruises or wood burn from sliding."

I blush a bit as I realize he notices what arm I use and the bruises I receive.

I look down at his legs. Stopping at his knees as I see only one knee pad on his right leg.

"What about you? Your right knee will get messed up." I say as I point at it.

Chan shakes his head. "I'll be fine. I use more of my right leg anyways. Just take it."

I hesitantly grab the item. Mumbling a thanks. Chan smiles proudly as he got me to take his knee pad.

He then leaves to finish his own warm ups.

"Wow. I've never seen him do that before." Jisung spoke next to me.

I swear he pops up every time.

"He didn't do that with you? Or anyone else on the team?" I ask surprised and start to place the pad on my right arm.

Jisung shakes his head. Eyebrows up.

"Not once. You must be really getting to him. And only been friends for a month now." Jisung answers finishing up his arm stretches.

Chan was really getting to me too then.

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