Chans Place

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*Changbins POV
Chan had told me to be at his place at 12. Wanting to play games and watch movies for the day.

I knock on the door and was greeted by a woman. She was stunning.

Pretty eyes and smile. Brown hair tied into a high ponytail.

Dressed in a black pencil skirt and a white blouse.

Makeup lightly done that it almost looked like she wasn't wearing any.

"Hello." I greet.

"Oh hi! You must be Changbin. Please come in." Her voice was sweet and light.

"I'm Chris's mom. But you may call me Anna." She says with a smile.

I nod and give her a smile back.

"I've heard so much about you from Chris. He talks about you nonstop." She giggles out as she walks further into the house.

I followed her like a puppy. Wanting to hear more of what she was saying.

"Really? Like what?" I couldn't help but ask. Curious of what Chan has told her.

She was picking up a purse and briefcase. I assume she was heading to work.

"How you're amazing at playing as a libero. He even tells me how cute and good looking you are. And I must say that he is right." She says giggling a bit.

I blush at the statement. "I uh oh well Um thank you."

She looks at me again with the same soft smile. Warm like Chan's own.

"He speaks with such sincerity and admiration for you. I'm glad you two are friends." She says.

I nod. "Me too."

"I'm home! Oh, Changbin! You're here. Sorry for being late." Chan spoke as he enters the house carrying some grocery bags.

"Well I must be heading off to work. Have a good night. Love you." She says and kisses Chan's cheek before waving me a farewell.

We say our goodbyes to her and soon the front door opened and closed.

"I hope she didn't say anything that embarrassed you. Or me." Chan says as he walks to the kitchen.

I followed along. Carrying my own things that I brought.

"Oh no. She was just telling me how you talk nonstop about me." I say with a smirk.

He stumbles over his feet. Bags harshly hitting the counter as he places them on it.

Cheeks and ear tips turning red and hot.

"I,,,I what? That woman is crazy." Chan stutters as he avoids any eye contact with me.

I laugh and place the snacks I brought, along with Ben on the marbled counter.

"Okay sure." I say giggling.

Chan doesn't say anything. Face still flushed as he starts to take out the items he bought out of the bags.

"Need help?" I ask as I watch him put things away in cabinets and in the fridge.

"No no. I'm almost done. Are you hungry? I can whip you up some instant noodles." He quickly says.

"Sure. If you don't mind." I reply back, sitting on the bar stool and playing with Bens fins.

"I don't. That's why I offered, silly." Chan laughs out as he gets a pot and fills it up with water.

I simply watch him. My eyes glued onto him. I really liked Chan.

And today, I was going to grow the confidence and ask him out.

"Excited for preliminaries coming up?" He suddenly asks.

I shake my head. "Never. They're always hard training and playing against powerhouse schools. And those long sets."

He laughs as he hears me complain and whine about it.

"I get it. It's tough. But our team is good. Especially with you on it." He says as he pouts the hot water into the bowl and the noodles quickly soaking them up.

I felt my stomach flutter and my face flush. Oh boy. This was going to be hard.

*Chans POV
Changbin and I were slurping our noodles while sitting on my bed.

A movie playing on my tv. The audio being covered by our noises.

"Ahh this is some great noodles." He says as he drinks the liquid.

"Thank you. Made them myself." I joke as I put my empty bowl on my desk before going back on my bed.

He does the same and sighs in content.

"What now?" He asks as he rubs his stomach, feeling full from the small meal.

"We rest. We relax. We chill." I say and lay on my bed, bringing my head up a bit to still see the movie.

Call me childish, but we were watching 'Horton Hears a Who.' (I have this movie and watched it twice because our WiFi went out🤧)

"This movie is quite funny and interesting." Changbin says as he gets further in my bed and leans back on to the wall.

His eyes concentrated on the movie.

"Have you never seen it?" I ask as I sit up and lean on the wall as well.

He shakes his head and continues to watch the movie. But I was looking at him.

His side profile was handsome. I just couldn't look away.

"Never. I'm glad you're showing me it." He says with a soft smile.

I couldn't help but smile as well. "Me too."

We watched and finished the movie. As well as 'Big Hero 6' and 'Cars'.

"Kachow!" Changbin mimics lighting McQueen.

"Oh no. Please don't!" I laugh out as I change the movie and turn on my game set.

He gets close to my face. A silly smile on his face as he yells, "KACHOW!"

He leans back and starts laughing as I grimace at the loud noise.

"I shouldn't have let you watch it." I say as I put on Mario kart.

"Why not? It's funny!" He laughs out crazily.

I sigh. But I had a smile on my face as I watch him laugh loudly.

It was such a contiguous laughter. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"See! I told you it's funny!" He exclaims as he calms down.

"I was laughing at your laugh!" I chuckle out.

"You're saying my laugh is ugly that it makes you laugh!" Changbin exclaims as he gets on his knees and starts hitting me with a pillow.

I screech and put my arms over my face to defend myself. My laughter breaking out again.

"No! No! It's just! Ahh! It's just con-contigous!" I yell out.

He stops hitting me. Looks at me and throws a playful glare.

"I'll let it slide. For now!" He says as he sits back.

I hand him a controller and chuckle a bit.

I'm going to do it. Today. No matter what.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now