No Way

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~3 weeks later
*Changbins POV
"I told you! Did I not tell you this would happen!?" Hyunjin shouts at me as he throws me a towel at my face.

"To say the least, I'm not surprised." Seungmin says, changing into his practice clothes.

"Me either! It was going to happen eventually." Jeongin adds.

I pick up the towel that was thrown at me and yell into it. The fabric poorly covering my scream.

This couldn't be happening.

"So tell us from the start." Seungmin says.

I put the towel down, take a deep breath and exhale, nodding as I try to recollect my memories.

~flashback to 30 minutes ago. (No ones POV)
School had just ended and Changbin was packing up his things in a hurry to not be late for practice.

Sam waiting by his desk so they could walk together and the other can drop him off with the group.

"So uh,, Changbin,,," Sam calls out softly as he stops in the middle of the empty hallway.

The mentioned boy stops and looks back to face Sam.

The taller boy had his head down and was fiddling with his fingers.

Changbin tilts his head. Was Sam okay?

"What's up? Is everything okay?"

Sam nods rapidly. Mentally cursing at himself for taking so long to say what he needed.

"I,, I need to tell you something." He continues.

"Okay. What is it,,,?" Changbin asks. An unnerving feeling building up in his stomach.

Was he going to say what he thinks he's going to say?

Sam takes a deep breath. "I like you."

Changbin stood there, eyes wide and mind blank as he processes what was said.

No way. This wasn't happening. Hyunjin wasn't right. This was all fake.

Sam looks at Changbin. Hurt written all over his face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything!" He exclaims.

Changbin comes back to reality. "No wait'! I was just surprised! That's all!"

What does he say? What does he do?

"Changbin! Sam! There you are. We're all waiting for you outside." Chan says as he jogs to them.

Noticing the atmosphere, he became a bit concerned.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He asks, placing a hand on Changbins shoulder.

The younger nodding with a small smile.

"Yeah. Sam just forgot something back in class." Changbin lies.

Chan nods and they all walk towards the group.

Things a bit awkward between Sam and Changbin.

~End of flashback (Changbins POV)

"So you lied to Chan?" Hyunjin asks.

I nod.

I had to tell someone. And luckily the right people were changing in the club room.

"What are you going to do now?" Felix asks.

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