Are you okay?

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*Changbins POV
Well, I don't think Chan was alright.

We all slightly wince as we watch Chan get hit in the face with the ball Minho just spiked.

The boy falling onto the ground and holding onto his cheek.

"Oh shit! Chan, are you alright?" Minho exclaims as we all rush over to him.

Coach Jake coming as well with a first aid kit in hand.

Chan sits up and winces as the cheek was becoming swollen and red.

"Here, put this on it and sit on the bench." Jake hands him an ice pack and helps Chan up and to the bench.

"Are you alright?" Jake asks as Chan sits down.

"Yeah. I just jumped too high on that block." He answers.

But to be honest, his jump was way off. But no one said anything.

Jake told us to continue the game. Even though the other team now had the advantage of having 4 players and us 3.

Nonetheless, we continued.

*Chans POV
I wince as the cold ice pack prickles my hot cheek. I should've been focusing on the game.

But my mind drifted off to what Sam told me.

"Changbin likes you. But not for long cause I'll make sure of it."

I shake my head. He wouldn't be able to do that, right?

He doesn't seem like Changbins type. But then again, I don't know what Changbins type was.

So maybe he was his type.

But he said that Changbin likes me. He sounded so sure of it.

Perhaps I was his type.

"Alright. That's enough for today. Tomorrow is our first actual game before the preliminaries. I'll hand you guys your uniforms before you all leave. So be ready after school. Bus leaves at 3. We arrive back at 7. Understood?" Jake informs us.

We all nod and chant that we did.

I definitely forgot about the preliminaries. We were all practicing and having fun that we lost sight of the upcoming games.

We all clean up and Jake hands us our uniforms, jackets and joggers.

"This is so cool! How do I look?" Jisung asks as he shows off the jacket.

The red color looking nice and the word, 'Wildcat' (no not like high school musical. My school were wildcats) on the back and in white.

"Looking good!" Felix says as he holds out two thumbs up.

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Changbin whisper next to me.

I didn't notice him coming over to my locker.

I don't look at him. Still watching the others try on their uniforms and jackets.

"Fine." I simply answer.

I can feel him watching me. Trying to unravel my lie. I felt my heart rush and stomach twist.

"Alright. Don't tell me then." Changbin whispers back, looking away from me.

My stomach drops as I realize he knows that I lied.

"Alright guys. Let's head home and get a good night sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for us." I announce and start to pack my things.

All of us saying good bye.

I waited for Changbin as he hugs everyone and then made our way to my car.

We start our drive and sat in silence. Changbin looking out at the window.

"How are you really?" He spoke up.

I pretend to not have heard what he said.

He shifts in his seat and looks at me. My eyes looking at the road.

"I don't know why you would lie to me about how you are, considering you got smacked by a ball. But I hate that you lied." He says.

I sigh. I didn't mean to lie.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to lie about how I am. I just didn't want to look weak. I am a man after all." I joke.

"A man can still show his feelings." Changbin laughs out.

I felt at ease that I was able to make him laugh.

"Alright then. I'm in pain. My cheek is killing me. I don't know how I'll be able to sleep." I pout out. Returning to my normal self.

"Would you like to have Ben for the night? He is our child after all." Changbin offers with a smile.

We pull up to my driveway. And I shut the engine off.

"Ben! Our lovely child. Yes, he will make things better." I say happily.

Changbin continues to look at me with his sweet smile.

"Okay then. I'll bring him over in a bit." Changbin says as he starts to get out of the car.

I nod and watch him leave and to his house.

I exhale. I had nothing to worry about between him and Sam.

Changbin likes me. Just like I like him. And we had a lovely shark child.

Nothing was getting in between us.

Nothing and no one.

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