First Game

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*Changbins POV
"Excited for the big game today?" Sam asks us as we were getting ready to perform our play.

"Nervous." We all answer.

Today was Friday. The last weekday before the weekend began.

But it was the first day for us for our game. The season still going and the preliminaries not far away.

"I bet. I'll come and support you guys!" Sam says.

"That will be great! Cheer for us so we can win." Jisung says, putting chapstick on his lips.

"I don't want my cheek to be all sticky after your kiss." I say to him.

"You want a dry kiss or a good kiss?" Jisung asks after putting away the chapstick.

"No kiss. What is that? Honey lemon flavored?" I ask as I can smell the lip balm.

He nods.

"Remember, don't move when Jisung leans in to kiss you. You're supposedly dead." Seungmin reminds me.

I nod. I didn't want this.

It was our turn for the play. All of us getting down our scenes and lines.

Now for the moment that everyone was waiting for.

The kiss scene.

I can hear kids whispering saying there was no way Jisung was going to kiss me.

I lay on the rough carpet of the classroom. Pretending to be dead. My eyes shut and wanting this to be over.

"What's here? A cup, closed in my true loves hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end: O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make die with restorative."

Jisung says his line. And the part comes up.

I can feel him lean down and turn my head to the side. Placing his lips on my cheek and leaving a kiss.

It was soft and gentle. Sweet.

I hope Minho hyung doesn't kill us. Especially me.

"Thy lips are warm."

We finish up the play and everyone clapping. Saying it was the best play so far.

Even with the change of the kissing scene. It all went well.

The bell rings and we head to our next class.

"Ugh you left it all wet." I groan as I wipe the kiss mark with my shirt sleeve.

"Bet you liked it." Jisung laughs out.

"See you guys at lunch!" Felix says.

We part ways. Seungmin and I walking together to our next class.

"Sam was burning holes in the back of Jisungs head when he kissed you." Seungmin says.

"Or your imagining things." I retort back.

No way does Sam like me.

"He likes you." Seungmin says.

Did he read my mind?
"Alright, the game is held at Sunrise high school. Our game starts at 4." Hyunjin informs Sam after school.

We were about to head to the club to get changed before Sam stopped us and asked about the details for the game.

"Great! Can't wait to see you play! Good luck." He waves us goodbye and we part ways.

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