First Day

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*Changbins POV
The dreadful day has arrived. The first day of school. I spent a day and a half cramming English words and sentences in my brain.

Some sticking, others not so much.

"Have a great day at school, sweetie. I'll pick you up after practice." My mom says and kisses my cheek.

I nod and get out the car. My mom will be dropping me off for a week before she starts her new job.

I walk up to the building. Seeing all the other kids rushing in, trying to find their friends.

I didn't have friends yet so I decided to just walk around and find my classes. Get used to the new environment.

I pull out my schedule and head to my first class. My eyes quickly scanning the plate numbers.

I felt lost as I try to find my next couple classes. Asking for help every now and then.

The bell rings, signaling to head to our first class.

I rush down the steps and to my class. I enter the room and see everyone taking a seat or chatting with friends.

I make a beeline to the back of the class and sit down. Sighing as I felt a bit tired from running around.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up and see a boy with puppy like features.

Hair a light brown as well as his eyes. He had a small smile and was shifting onto one foot and then the other.

I shake my head and gesture to the empty seat next to me.

"Thanks. I'm Kim Seungmin." He spoke.

"Seo Changbin." I say.

"Ah good you speak Korean!" I see him breath out.

I laugh a little. "Yes. I just moved here."

Seungmin nods. "Well, welcome to Australia."

"Thank you."

"Alright everyone take a seat! And choose wisely cause they'll be your seats for the rest of the year." The teacher says as she places a stack of papers on her desk.

Everyone rushes to sit next to their friends. We see two boys walk up to us.

"We're sitting behind you." One of the boys say. He had chubby cheeks. Hair brown as well as his eyes.

"I'm not surprised. You just want to copy off of me." Seungmin says. The two boys laugh and sit behind us.

"Since it's the first day of school. It'll be an easy day. Just fill out this paper." The teacher hands out a sheet that read 'About Me'.

The classic getting to know about me worksheet.

I fill it up as much as I could. Asking Seungmin for help with a word I didn't know.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me and see the first boy.

"You just moved here huh?" He asks.

I nod.

"Welcome! I'm Han Jisung. This is Lee Felix. Or Felix Lee?" He says a bit unsure on his friends name and points to the boy next to him.

He waved at me with a smile. I gave a small wave back.

He was pretty. Dark brown hair. Skin slightly tanned, making his freckles pop out.

"What's your name?" He asks. He was definitely from here, the accent was like Chan's.

"Seo Changbin." I say.

"Hey, didn't Chan mention a Changbin?" Han whispers to the boy. But I heard.

"Do you happen to know Chan?" Felix asks.

I nod. "He's my next door neighbor."

Seungmin turns around and looks at us.

"I knew that name sounded familiar."

"Chan mentioned you before. Said you were practicing volleyball in your backyard." Jisung says filling me in.

So he talked about me?

"Are you joining the team?" Felix asks.


"What position?" Seungmin spoke.

"Libero. I played it back home." I answer.

"Looks like you got competition, Seungmin." Jisung giggles out.

"Do you all play?" I ask.

Jisung and Felix nod.

"I'm middle blocker." Jisung answers.

"Same here." Felix says.

"We have 4 other players." Seungmin informs me.

"Chan being one of them." Jisung adds.

I widen my eyes. I knew Chan knew my position and whatnot but I thought it was because he simply watched the sport.

"Whats his position?" I ask becoming curious.

"Captain and setter." They all say.

Chan did seem like the type to be setter.

"There's also Minho hyung, Jeongin and Hyunjin." Jisung says.

"You'll meet them today at practice or lunch." Felix looks at his phone.

"Almost time to go. Hey, let me see your schedule!" Felix exclaims.

I give him the folded paper.

All three boys crowd it and compare it with theirs.

I had the next two classes with Seungmin. Two with Felix and the last two with Jisung. Plus we shared the same lunch.

First day of school: check
Making new friends: check

I was going to be just fine.

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