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*Changbins POV
Lunch comes around. Felix and I walking to the cafeteria, chatting about previous games we played.

"-and that's why I'm afraid of playing middle blocker." Felix finished his short story.

I chuckle. "Yet you still play it."

He looks up at the sky and hums. "Yeahhh. I'm good at it though!"

We enter the crowded lunch room. Lines full and tables being taken.

"Oi Felix!" We hear someone shout.

The called boy looks around the area and spots the one who called him.

"There's everyone. Come on." Felix grabs my wrist and leads me to the table.

I see Seungmin and Jisung. Along with Chan and 3 other boys I didn't recognize but had an idea.

"Oh it's you! Why didn't you say you were coming to this school!?" Chan exclaims as he gives me a wide smile.

I shrug. "You never asked."

Chan laughs a bit and nods. "You're right. Well welcome! Sit sit!"

Chan scoots himself a bit and I sit down next to him. Felix takes a seat next to another boy who looked like a year younger.

"Everyone! This is Changbin. You know, the one I mentioned before." Chan spoke catching everyone's attention.

They all looked at me and waved. Their greetings mixing all together.

I wave and greet back.

"Changbin, this is Minho hyung, Jeongin and Hyunjin. The ones we mentioned earlier before." Jisung points to each boy as he says their names.

"Oh you know him?" Chan asks.

Jisung nods and points to me, Felix and Seungmin. "The 4 of us have first period together."

"So you play volleyball?" Minho asks and leans forward a bit.

"Yes. I play as a libero." I answer.

The elder nudges Seungmin.

"You got com-"

"Yes I know. I got competition. Jisung beat you to it." Seungmin says with a roll of his eyes.

I laugh a little.

"What are your positions?" I ask curiously.

"Ace." Minho answers.

"Right wing spiker." Hyunjin raises his hand.

"Blocker." Jeongin says.

I nod. Their positions seem to fit them well.

"So Changbin. If you don't mind me asking. Why did you move here?" Chan asks, cheek on his palm.

"My dad got promoted at his job and they relocated him here."

"Do you speak any English?" Jeongin asks.

"Barely." I laugh a little.

"You'll get used to it." Jisung says.

The bell soon rings and we all get up to head to class.

"See you guys at practice!" Chan says and walks to class with Minho.

We part ways and to our last 2 classes.
School ends and Jisung drags me out of the classroom and to the gym.

"I can't wait to see how you play!" He exclaims as he reaches the gym door.

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