Sleepover Pt.3

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*Changbins POV
We finished playing the different games. Making funny comments about the wins and losses.

Now onto the next activity, friendship bracelet making.

Hyunjin was actually serious in buying the kit even though Jisung was only joking.

"Alright, here are the instructions on how to properly make them." Hyunjin says as he tosses the pamphlet in the middle.

Seungmin grabbing it and scanning it.

"Seems easy enough." He says as he passes it to Felix.

"I can't read." The Australian jokes as Jeongin softly grabs it.

"Hmm, it does seem easy. But I wanna try this pattern." Jeongin shows us and the pattern was a checkered one.

"Are we all making bracelets for each other?" Jisung asks as he grabs the supplies and ripping of the tape.

"That means 7 bracelets for each of us." Hyunjin says.

"Easy enough." Chan comments.

"We can also play a movie while making them." Hyunjin points out as we haven't watched anything yet.

"But let's build a fort first!" Jeongin chimes in as he gets up and gather all his blankets and pillows.

We agreed and start to build the fort.

We set up two chairs on my bed, to hold the blankets up like a ceiling. Using 4 other chairs, two on either side to hold the blankets up.

One blanket on top of the tv so we can watch it as we make the bracelets.

Setting pillows and blankets inside. Deciding that we will all sleep in the fort.

We got inside and sat in a half circle. Chan in the middle, me to his right, Minho on his left. Jisung next to Minho and Felix next to Jisung.

Hyunjin next to me and Seungmin next to him and Jeongin on the end.

The bracelet making kit in the middle. All the supplies scattered around.

We start to pick the different colored threads and the braid helper thing to make our bracelets.

"Weak! I can braid this with my eyes closed!" Jisung says as he braids his thread with his fingers.

"Then do it you coward." Hyunjin challenges with a smirk as he continues to make his bracelet.

"What do I get?" Jisung asks.

Hyunjin hums. "I'll clean the court for a week for you."

"Done deal!" Jisung shouts and closes his eyes. Fingers working to braid the thread.

We all stifled our laughter as we watch the boy just tangle the thread together.

He opens his eyes and waves the bracelet around.

"Boom!" He shouts.

"That's not even a good braid!" Hyunjin laughs out.

"You didn't say it had to be a good one." Seungmin points out, still focused on his own project.

Jisung pointing at Seungmin with a face that said, 'He's right.'

Hyunjin sighs. "Fair enough. You win."

Jisung laughing and undoing the bracelet to do it better.

"Done with one!" Chan shouts as he shows us his finished bracelet. The colors were red, white and black.

The three colors contrasting each other. It was nicely braided and the ends had some thread loosely hanging.

"Who's it for?" Felix asks.

Chan looks at me. Handing me the bracelet.

I carefully take it. Looking at the bracelet closely.

"Of course to MY best friend." He says, emphasizing the word my.

"Thanks." I say as he helps me tie it onto my right wrist.

"Of course. Anything for you." Chan says softly.

"Ugh get a room you two." Hyunjin gags out.

"Technically this is my room. So all of you get a room." I point out and point a finger at them as Chan finished tying the bracelet.

"So you and Chan can stay here by yourselves?! And do who knows what?!" Jisung jokes out.

The others laughing.

"I'll hurt you and I won't hesitate." I glare at the boy.

Jisung holding his hands up in defense.

We finish making the bracelets. Each of us getting 7. Tying them up on either the left or right wrist.

I had Chan's, Jisung and Jeongin on my right wrist. Minho, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix on my left.

"How come Changbins the only one on your right wrist?" Minho asks, pointing out Chan's wrist.

"Big mistake amigo. We're now going to tease you about it." Felix says.

"You have a crush!~ Changbin hyung is your crush~"Seungmin starts to sing out.

Everyone's eyes on him as he does so.

"No more soda for you baby." Hyunjin says as he grabs the drink from the others hand.

"I don't have a crush! I just,,, I uh,,," Chan yells out and then stutters trying to find an excuse as to why only my bracelet was on his wrist.

"Mmh a crush!" Jisung yells out.

"Ignore them hyung. They're just joking." I say.

"Or are we?" Jeongin laughs out.

"Not you too Innie!" Chan cries out.

Everyone laughing and then dropping the topic.

We finished up the movies and the night getting late and everyone slowly falling asleep.

Jeongin was the first to fall asleep, huddled up with Felix. The Australian hugging the younger as they slept.

Hyunjin and Seungmin under a blanket as they peacefully slept.

Minho and Jisung sleeping as well, Jisungs legs and arms on top of Minho, the elder not bothered by it.

The fort still up and keeping us warm and blocked away from the world.

Chan and I still awake as we finish the movie. The NightMare Before Christmas coming to an end as the credits start to roll.

"And like no ones going to question about the fact a skeleton was being Santa? Like how did he get there!" I whisper shout as I start to shut everything off.

Chan quietly laughing next to me. "We don't question the movies. Especially from Disney."

"It's some bullshit." I whisper as I get settled on the floor. Making sure an alarm was on.

"It's a movie! Of course it's bullshit." Chan whispers back as he gets settled as well.

Ben the shark between us as we pull the blankets up. Soft snores and breathing the only thing being heard.

"Let's just sleep so I can forget this movie." I whisper and face the other way, Hyunjins back facing me.

"Yeah, good night Binnie." Chan says, using the nickname he once called me.

"Good night,,, Channie." I whisper.

I can hear him softly chuckle and then stirring around.

I fell asleep and waited for the morning to come.

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