Hang out

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*Changbins POV
"Where did you learn how to cook?" I whisper to Chan, who was currently sautéing some vegetables.

He chuckles and moves the pan back and forth with his right hand. The vegetables flying up from the pan.

"My parents sometimes work really late so I had to learn how to cook." He answers.

I nod and continue to watch him. He was amazingly talented.

After a while, he turns off the stove and moves the hot pan to a glass bowl, pouring the vegetables into it. He sprinkled some salt and black pepper onto it.

"Smells good." I compliment.

He just grins at me.

"Thank you for helping me, Chan." My dad says.

Chan shakes his head. "No trouble. I'm happy to help."

I take the plates and silverware to the table and set everything. Bringing the food as well.

My mom comes home as soon as we finished cooking.

"My, smells wonderful here." She exclaims as she enters the kitchen.

"Hello Mrs.Seo!" Chan greets.

My mom smiling and greeting back.

"Chan helped with dinner." My dad says and leads the boy to the dining table.

"Oh? Well I can't wait to taste what you've made." My mom says excitedly as she takes a seat.

My parents on one side of the table. Chan and I on the other.

We give our thanks for the food and serve ourselves.

I first take a bite of the vegetables Chan made. I was expecting just the vegetable bland taste. But this was much more better.

There was a perfect amount of salt and pepper. A hint of lemon juice that brings the vegetable flavor out more.

"This is better then what I expected!" I say as I eat more of it.

Chan and my parents chuckling.

"Thanks." Chan says and eats his food.

We talked about camp. How strong the powerhouse schools were. How we were improving a lot as the days passed by.

Chan's improvement in Korean. And mine in English.

My parents seemed happy that I was happy. Proud that I managed to adjust to everything in a month.

"Thank you for dinner. And for the left overs for my parents. They'll be happy to eat it." Chan says as he holds the Tupperware of food.

"You're welcome. We would love to have you all for dinner one night." My mom says, dad nodding in agreement.

"Hopefully. Well thank you again and good night." Chan says.

My mom nudges me and I stumble a bit. She gives me a look saying to walk him out the door.

"Let me walk you out Chan hyung." I say as I look over at the boy who was putting on his shoes.

"Oh okay!" Chan says happily.

He gets up with the Tupperware in his hands.

I brush past him and open the door for him.

He thanks me and walks out the door.

"I'll be sure to return your dishes after." Chan tells me.

"It's okay. We have a ton of them." I say with a laugh.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now