Camp Pt.3

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*Chans POV
"Did you really give him your knee pad? Just ask him to marry you." Hyunjin jokes as I return.

I roll my eyes and continue my stretches.

"As captain, I thought it would be nice to give him extra protection." I defend.

Hyunjin hums as he finishes his stretches.

"That. Or you're crushing big time." He says and walks away.

I wasn't crushing on Changbin.

I didn't feel any different around him. My heart didn't race when he smiles or laugh.

My stomach didn't have butterflies whenever he calls me Chan hyung.

Oh my gosh. I was crushing on Changbin.

I shake my head and finish getting warmed up. Jake calls for us to line up.

I needed to stay focus.
"Chris focus!" Jake yells for the 5th time.

I groan as I mess up my set. The ball passing by Minho's hand and going out the court.

The whistle blows and we look over. Seungmin was on the side line, holding a small sign with the number 1 on it.

I sigh as I jog over and grab the white sign. Seungmin giving me a reassuring smile.

This wouldn't be happening if Hyunjin didn't put the idea of me crushing on Changbin. Because I was!

I sit on the bench next to Jake. The game resumes and I watch.

"Whatever's bothering you. Throw it out the window." Jake spoke beside me. Eyes on the game.

I nod.

I watch as Seungmin sets. The ball having impact on Minho's right hand. The ball slamming onto the opponent's court side.

How Changbin slides to catch the ball when the other team counter attacks.

The sound of squeaky shoes on the gyms court. The heavy breathing as my team fights to win this set.

"You ready to head back in?" Jake asks getting Seungmins number out.

I shake my head. Not yet.

Jake nods and we continue watching.

Changbin gets switched out with Jeongin. The younger boy rushing onto the court and ready to do his best.

Changbin sits beside me. Heavy breaths coming in and out of him.

"You okay?" He asks me in a quiet tone.

I give a small smile and nod.

He nods back and takes small sips from his water bottle.

I nudge Jake softly. Letting him know that I was ready to go back in.

He nods and waits for the right time to swap out Seungmin.

We soon swap out and I play my best again.
"Nice games guys. You really did your best out there. Won at least 2 sets out of the 6 games we played. That's improvement." Jake says as we just finished our last game for the day.

"Now get washed up and head to the cafeteria for dinner." He dismisses us and we all went out to get washed.

"Sooo you and Changbin hyung?" Jisung spoke beside me. Not him too.

"There's nothing between us. Just friends." I answer continuing to walk to our sleeping room.

"No. There's something there. I know." Jisung fights back.

I roll my eyes at him. "You're just imagining things."

Jisung doesn't say anything and we stay quiet the rest of the way.

After washing up, we head to the cafeteria. Grabbing as much as food as we can digest.

"I wanna sleep." Felix whines out as he shoves a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"Same here." Minho yawns.

"I don't think my body can handle another 5 days." Hyunjin groans out and rubs his sore arms.

"Cowards! I can do this in my sleep!" Jisung exclaims.

We laugh and make remarks to the boy.

"How you holding up Changbin? Is it different then back home?" Jeongin asks.

Changbin nods. "The schools here are tougher. I'm surprised we were able to win 2 sets."

"Welcome to Australia." Hyunjin laughs out.

Changbin giggles as well. What a beautiful sound. I wanted to hear more of it.

"Alright Chan. Give it to us." Jisung waves in my direction.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"You know, '5 more days guys. Let's do this.' Speech." Jisung answers.

I laugh and stand up from my seat.

I lift my cup filled with energy drink.

"5 more days guys. We can do this. We won 2 sets today. Let's win all of them."

"Yeah!" The table shouts and they all raise their drinks and cheered.

5 days was going to be long.

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