New Kid?

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*Changbins POV
"What about sardines on pizza?" Jisung asks as we take our seats.

"Somethings just wrong with you then." Seungmin says as he gags at the topping.

"I don't like it either! But I'm just saying!" He defends.

"I feel like puking just thinking about those tiny fishes chilling on a delicious pizza." Felix says as he slightly gags at the fish but drools at the pizza.

"I feel sick listening to this." I comment as I turn around in my seat to face the board.

The bell rings and the teacher walks in. A kid we all haven't seen before walking behind her.

"Alright! Settle down everyone! I have an announcement to make."

Everyone settled down and quiet themselves as they wanted to hear the announcement, knowing it was about the new kid right next to her.

"We have a new student today. Go ahead and introduce yourself."

The boy next to her nod and smiles. That smile looked so much like Chan's.

Pretty and dimples poking out. Even his eyes were like Chan's. Brown and warm.

"My name is Sam. (Because I'm unoriginal with names. Fight me.) I recently just moved here from London."  He says as his accent sticks out.

"Ooh a London kid." Jisung whispers behind us.

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." Seungmin whispers back.

"He's handsome." Felix tells us.

"We're telling Jeongin." I joke.

"I hope we can get along and become good friends. Thank you." Sam finishes his introduction and we all clap.

The teacher telling him where to sit. The only available sit was the desk on Seungmins side.

"Well, go ahead and start your plays. You have one week left to finish reading it and answering the questions on the packet."

She sends us off and we went to do our thing.

Seungmin and I flipping out desks around and connecting them to Jisungs and Felix's.

"Where did we leave off?" Seungmin asks as he pulls out the script.

All of us doing the same.

Then our teacher walks up to us. Sam, again by her side.

"You guys don't mind if Sam here joins you?" She asks.

We look at each other then back at them. Shaking our heads and letting out mumbled "No's".

Sam brings his desk over and connects it between Seungmin and Felix.

"So I take it your all from Korea." He says as he flips through the script.

We nod.

"And you're from London. What's that like?" Felix asks, making conversation. Probably to avoid reading the boring play.

"It's fine to be quite honest. Some areas overcrowded and sometimes people getting into arguments about silly things." Sam answers.

And of course, Jisung being Jisung, asked the dumbest question of all.

"So you all related to the queen? Like she's your great grandma and invites you to have tea with her."

Seungmin facepalms himself. Sighing and shaking his head at the question his friend just asked.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now