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*Chans POV
I wake up before anyone else. Shutting the alarm off that Changbin put on. I stretch and rub my eyes looking around and seeing that we're still inside the fort.

The sun barely rising as the morning comes. I can hear faint sounds coming outside the room.

Changbins parents probably rushing out to head to work.

Everyone was still sleeping. All peaceful and quiet as they recharge for the day that was ahead of us.

I carefully and quietly get out of the fort and to my bag. Rummaging through for clothes.

I wanted to shower before heading to school. I hope Changbin was okay with it.

I exit out and to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the water. Undressing out of my pjs and stepping inside.

The warm water washing away yesterday's dirt. I used some of Changbins shampoo.

The scent of vanilla taking over my body. It smelled nice.

I finished washing up and getting out. Drying and changing and exiting the bathroom.

Everyone slowly and surely waking up. Grabbing clothes for the day at school.

"Morning everyone!" I exclaim as I enter the room, dirty pjs in hand.

"Morning..." Everyone tiredly mumbles out.

"Two people can shower at a time. One in my bathroom and another in the guest bathroom." Changbin says as he gets his own clothes ready.

"Dibs!" Felix and Jisung shout as they run to either bathrooms.

"Guess we wait." Minho mumbles as we start to clean up Changbins room.

Taking down the fort and folding the blankets. Putting the chairs away.

Making sure everyone had their things.

"Did you shower with the bracelets on?" Changbin asks as we all sit on the floor waiting for Felix and Jisung.

"Yes. It's easier to just shower with them." I answer as I notice the bracelets becoming damp.

Jisung and Felix coming in and Hyunjin and Seungmin going next.

We still had an hour before school started. So I decided to make breakfast for everyone.

"Egg and cheese sandwiches!?" Changbin asks with excitement as I inform everyone.

"Ooh I've heard about the infamous sandwiches before." Jisung says as he dries his hair.

"Sound tasty." Felix drools.

"I'll go ahead and start making them. Mind if I use your kitchen?" I ask Changbin.

"Course not. Feel free to use it." He says.

I nod and leave the room and to the kitchen. Opening the fridge and taking out the eggs and cheese.

Looking for the bread and grabbing it.

To be honest, there wasn't anything special about the sandwiches. They were just egg and cheese.

So I didn't understand why Changbin was in love with them. But I don't question, as long as I get to put a smile on his face, that was enough for me.

I crack an egg on the small frying pan and wait for it to cook.

In the meantime I toasted the bread and got the American cheese ready.

I flipped the egg and wait for it to cook again. I grabbed the aluminum foil ready to wrap the sandwiches.

The egg was cooked and I placed it on the bread and quickly put the cheese on top of it. Placing the other bread on top and wrapping it in the foil to keep the heat in.

I did that another 7 times. By the time I was done, everyone had finished showering and ready for school.

"So who's going with who?" Seungmin asks as he takes the sandwich from me.

"With Minho hyung, it will be me, Seungmin and Hyunjin." Jisung answers, grabbing his sandwich.

"Then with me, will be Changbin, Felix and Jeongin." I say and hand Changbin his sandwich.

"Alright great. Shall we head out?" Hyunjin asks as he starts to eat his sandwich.

"Wahh! This is amazing!" He exclaims as he takes another bite.

"Right! I can't live without these!" Changbin laughs out as he hurriedly eats his.

"This is amazing hyung." Jeongin compliments me. His cute smile on his face as he eats the food.

"Thanks. I'm glad you all enjoyed it!" I say as we grab our bags and out the house.

We each enter the right cars and drive off to school.

"I don't want to practice." Changbin mumbles next to me.

"I hope today will be easy." Felix adds in.

"I kinda want to have practice a bit hard on us." Jeongin says.

"You want us dead!?" Felix exclaims at his boyfriend.

Jeongin giggling. "Course not! Just feel like working hard today."

"That's the spirit Innie!" I say as I continue driving.

"Now we're going to die because of you." Felix and Changbin jokingly say to the boy.

We pull to the parking lot. Getting out as I parked the car and turned the engine off.

The others already waiting.

"Heads up, if practice is harder then before, blame Jeongin." Felix says as he throws his own lover under the bus.

"Hey! All I said was I didn't mind the hard work!" Jeongin exclaims and tries to defend himself.

The bell rings. Bidding our farewells and to see each other at lunch, we all walk to our first class.

Minho beside me as we do so. He nudged me lightly.

I look at him. A smile on his face as he continues to walk and look up ahead.

"What?" I ask, not helping but to slightly smile myself.

"Come on hyung. I know love when I see it. And you're in love." He says.

Not again.

"Do I have to go through this with you and Jisung almost everyday?" I laugh out.

He chuckles. "We're just saying! Make a move before someone else does."

If someone else does? Was there someone else?

Probably. Changbin was the new kid. A foreign kid at that.

He was adorable and sweet and kind. Had the best smile. The best laughter.

Anyone would fall for him. I sure did,,,

"There couldn't be anyone else." I say as we take our seats.

Minho hums and looks at me. "But there always is."

There always is someone else.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now