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*Changbins POV
I wake up the following morning. Yawning and stretching.

I see my room was dark and cloudy. Then look over to my window. The sun being blocked by the clouds.

"Changbin? Oh you're awake!" My mom says as she enters my room.

"Good morning." I say.

She smiles sweetly at me. "Good morning. Any plans for today?"

I nod and push the blankets off of me. Getting up and to my closet, looking for clothes.

"Going to hang out with Sam." I answer.

"Sam? What about Chan? You two are always together." She says as she fixes my bed.

A habit of hers to do when she enters my room.

"Yeah. And well, Chan said he'll finally be getting sleep." I chuckle out.

My mother giggling at the small joke. Knowing that Chan was always the one to wake me up early in the mornings.

"Well, alright. Have fun then. And be safe." She says as she starts to leave my room and get ready for work.

I grab my clothes and head to my bathroom. Taking a quick shower and changing.

Then heading downstairs to the kitchen. I see my mom left me a plate of food to eat.

I take a seat and start to eat. Scrolling through my phone as I do so.

Hearing a knock echoing through the house. I put my fork down and walk over.

Opening up and seeing none other then Chan.

He smiles at me. "Hey. Wanted to return Ben."

He shows me the shark plushie and wiggling it side to side.

I laugh and grab it from him. "Thanks. I missed him."

I hug the toy and was met with Chan's warm sweet scent all over it.

Falling in love with it, I stopped hugging the toy to not get rid of the smell.

"Did you sleep well with him?" I ask as I let Chan in.

"I did. It made me forget about the pain." Chan answers as we sit at the dining table.

I nod, happy that Chan was able to forget the pain.

"I'm glad." I say and place the shark beside me and continue to eat.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" I ask as I shove more eggs in my mouth.

Chan shakes his head.

"I actually got to go. I have plans." He says.

"Oh? With who?" I ask, curious of who he would be hanging out with.

He places a finger on his lips. "It's a secret."

I pout. Of course he wouldn't tell me.

"Anyways. Text you later?" He asks as he gets up.

I nod and get up.

"Oh and uh have fun today with Sam." He says. But it didn't seem like he meant it.

"Don't sound to excited." I joke.

"Ha. Ha. Later." He says as he leaves.

I wonder what Sam really said to get on Chan's nerves.
"So where are we going anyway?" I ask Sam as we walk out of my house.

"It's a surprise." He says as we continue to walk.

It was a long walk but we made it to an area that was holding another carnival.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now