Tutor Me

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*Changbins POV
Tuesday comes by and I get dressed for school. I was about to call for my mom, telling her I was ready until a knock stopped me from doing so.

I get it up from my spot, after tying my shoes, and unlock the door.

I was surprised to see Chan standing there. A smile on his face and dressed for school.

"Good morning Binnie!" Chan happily says.

I blush a bit a the sudden nickname. Binnie?

"Good morning Chan hyung. What are you doing here?" I ask as I allow him into the house.

Before he could answer my mom walks in.

"Oh hello!" She says surprised at the sudden guest.

Chan gives her a dimpled smile.

"Hello Mrs. Seo." He spoke in Korean.

She smiles softly at the sudden language change.

"I was wondering if it was okay to drive Changbin to school." Chan asks.

My mom surprised by the request, didn't know how to answer.

"Ah! I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself!" Chan says chuckling nervously and awkwardly.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"My name is Chris Bang. But you may call me Chan. I live just next door to you." Chan extends a hand out.

My mom takes it with a warm smile.

"Oh okay! Did you guys meet at school?" She asks.

"No. I met him a few days before school started. When I was in the backyard practicing. He's also in the volleyball team." I answer this time.

My mom makes an 'o' shape with her mouth and then returns to her smile.

"Well, if Changbin wants a ride with you, then it's fine by me." My mom says and looks at me.

I nod and look at Chan who looks at me.

"I'll go with you." I say.

He smiles. "Great! I can take you everyday! Even after practices!"

My mother giggles a bit at his excitement.

"You don't have to do that." I say and was about to exit the house before hugging my mother goodbye.

"I insist! As your friend and hyung!" Chan says.

I roll my eyes playfully and leave the house.

Chan giving my mom a farewell and closing the door behind him.

We get in his car. And we start our drive to school. Chan sparking up a conversation.

"So hey, I know we only meet a few days ago. But I was wondering if I may ask you a favor?"

I look at him. His eyes still on the road.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Perhaps you can help me learn more Korean. Please? I still have trouble with it." Chan answers.

I was a bit surprised. He's Korean was really good. Why did he need my help?

Nonetheless I agreed.

"Sure." I say with a smile.

He glances at me. Eyes wide.

"Really!! Ah that's great! In exchange, I'll help you with English." He quickly spoke as he makes a left turn.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now