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*Changbins POV
The next day arrives and my mom and I head to my school. It was quite big. Just one huge building with windows cluttering it.

Besides it was a huge gym. Must be the court for basketball and volleyball.

We enter through the front door and into the office. My mom looks around for help.

"Hello! How can I help you?" A blonde lady behind the desk asks.

My mom nudges me.

"Ah yes. I'm here to register for school." I say, my accent heavy on the words.

The lady smiles at me and nods. Typing away on her computer.

"Alright. Name?" She asks.

"Seo Changbin." I say. Should I have come up with an English name?

"Alright. Grade?"

"I'll be a sophomore this year."

She types the other information. Like my parents name, address and etc.

"Alright. Are you planning to do any after school activities? Like sports or clubs?" She asks looking up from her computer screen.

"Yes. Volleyball." I say picking at my fingers nervously.

She nods. "We have an excellent team. You'll be just fine."

I nod at her words.

"Here is your schedule. And the volleyball schedule as well. They meet every day after school and on Saturdays. The times are there." She says as she hands me the papers.

I nod trying to comprehend her words. The only thing sticking to me is everyday.

"I know English isn't your first language but don't worry, you'll be fine."

I hated hearing the same thing over and over. I know I'll be fine.

I nod and give her a smile. Cause it felt like I should at the moment.

"Thank you." I say and walk away from the desk and to my mom, who took a seat earlier.

"Got everything?" She asks getting up.

I nod. "I barely understood what she was saying. She spoke fast."

I look at my schedule and see my classes. Then I shift over to the sport schedule.

They meet everyday after school. The practices starting at 3pm and ending at 7:30. Saturday practices started at 7am and ended at 5pm.

"My, looks like you'll be busy." My mom says peeking over the papers.

I nod. But I felt happy. I'll be distracted with school work and volleyball. Not having to worry about the future.
"I'm going out back to practice!" I exclaim, tying up my shoes.

"Alright. Wash up after you're done." My mom says and kisses my head.

I nod and grab my volleyball and out the backyard.

The fences that divided the houses were small. Everyone can practically see everything.

I do some stretches. Warming up my body before putting it to work.

I hear the next door neighbors back door open and close. I didn't bother to look at who it was.

I finish my stretches and start practicing my receives. Rolling around the grass and rushing to get the ball up in the air.

I miss the ball and exhale. I try catching my breath from all the running around.

"You play libero?" I hear a voice to my right ask. I look up and see my next door neighbor.

He was a year older then me. Hair dyed bleach blonde. Brown eyes lit up from the sun. A dimpled smile on display. He was wearing gym shorts and a white shirt.

I nod.

"I can tell by your receives. You're good!" He spoke with such excitement. His accent wasn't as heavy as the other people I heard.

"Thank you." I say.

He looks at me curiously. Noticing my heavy accent.

"You're from Korea, huh?" He asks, surprising me.

"Yes. You know Korean?" I ask feeling a bit happy that someone around here knows it.

He tilts his head side to side. "Kinda. I learn it in my spare time. I know how to hold a conversation."

I nod.

"What's your name?" He asks leaning against the fence.

"Changbin. Yours?" I ask walking towards him a bit.

"Chris. But you can call me Chan." He says happily.

"Korean name? I'm impressed." I say laughing a little.

He chuckles. "Well, I got to make use of it."

"Chris! Dinner!" I hear a lady shout from inside the house.

"Coming!" He shouts back. He looks back at me and smiles.

"See you around Changbin!" He waves goodbye and jogs inside the house.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now