023 | 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕜

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Yeji's POV
"Okay listen your mom should be okay if she keeps fighting, she's doing a great job so far" Beomgyu said reassuring Taehyun who is in panic mode as Chaer rubbed his back

I heard a knock on the door, I guess no one else did cause no one turned around except Yeonjun who went to get Tae water, Soobin was thinking of a plan to help Tae's mom

I went to the door and opened it "This is a housewarming gift for-" the young girl spoke leaving me shocked and she stopped and looked at me shocked as well opening her eyes which were once squinted shut from her smile

"Yeji? Hel-" she began to say but then stopped and her sad look turned serious but there were tears coming out of her eyes

She grabbed the door from my hand and slammed it shut, pushing me out of the way but when I opened it again she was gone

"Yeji! Everything okay?" Yeonjun asked putting his hand on my shoulder "Yeah, I thought I saw someone I knew, but I don't know them anymore" I said looking down thinking about the way she looked at me, almost like she could read me but I couldn't read her

"Okay, we'll come sit with us, I think Soobin has something" He said as his hands moved down to my waist and turned me towards him

"Are you sure your okay?" He said and I nodded "I can read you like a book, tell me..." he said and gave me a smile that felt like I was drinking hot coco on a cold day

"Well, I thought I saw Ryujin but she was acting strange, please don't tell the others" I said

And he looked at me and sighed before nodding his "Okay, I won't"

We walked over and we heard Soobin talking about his plan

"So Nayeon, Ryujin said she lives across from you and your neighbors, we don't know if Mr. Kim is there as well so..." he said then shot a look at Nayeon "since she doesn't recognize you, you need to try to get close to her and get inside" he said and Nayeon nodded

I've been watching Nayeon from the start and she just seemed suspicious to me, popping out of nowhere into Beomgyu's life and now she's part of our mission

"Yeji and Yuna will disguise themselves as big sister and younger sister, this plan must seem like it's simple so that it can be more believable, you guys are already close so that should be easy, then Yeonjun, the boyfriend"

"Taehyun and Chaer stay here to watch over Mrs. Kang and then Lia and I will be look outs on top of the buildings, Beomgyu and Kai will be look outs on the ground watching and protecting Yeji, Yeonjun, Yuna, and Nayeon"

"Now what we're gonna do, figure out where Ryujin is cause that will determine when the mission starts...

...Yeji and Yeonjun take Yuna to the store across the street while Ryujin is in there at the same time, Nayeon walks in there and runs into Ryujin, they talk about whatever, Nayeon thinks of some excuse to go to her house...

...then Yuna is always on her phone, that phone as a speaker in it already set up, Yeji tries to take it and when she does she bumps into Ryujin and spills her coffee on her, Yeonjun runs to her napkins but as he does that he notifies us that Ryujin is leaving, we record the convo and everyone listens from this room when we meet back up, remember if something doesn't go as planned, compromise"

We all went our separate ways, Yeonjun, Yuna and I went to get disguised, Nayeon was checking to see where Ryujin was

Soobin took Lia and they flew to the roof and Beomgyu and Kai went to blend in with the people outside

I went to the door after I was done and Nayeon opened it the door and she bumped into me

"Oh I'm so sorry Yeji" she said apologizing and bowing to me "It's fine Unnie" I said bowing back, she looked out of breathe and sweaty a little

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked with a serious face not looking concerned at all "No, why?" She said and she gave off a smile

I looked her in the eyes and I could tell something was up, I was about to say something when Soobin called her

"Noona, where's Ryujin?" He asked "Oh please don't be so formal, she's just walked into the store" She said not taking her eyes off me, she looked disturbed, probably by my actions

"Good, let's go" he said and then she walked away, I don't trust her

Yeonjun, Yuna and I went to the store and she was in the back corner near the frozen section

We stayed back but followed her at the same time, Nayeon then walked in and met up with Ryujin

"Oh my gosh, Ryujin hey" she said and Ryujin turned aroun

I heard sniffling, I turn and Yuna is wiping her nose "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just miss her" she said "me too"

I turned back and Yeonjun qued us to follow and start the phone talk

"Minji give me your phone, this is what mom was talking about, your always in it"


"Stop it Sooyoung, your not mom" Yuna said and I grabbed it we kept on going back and forth then I bumped into Nayeon, I did it a little harder just because lol

She spilt her coffee on Ryujin "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, let's go change" she said and gave her, her jacket to cover while they walked to get napkins but Yeonjun got there first

"Here, I'm so sorry" Yeonjun said "It's fine" she said not even looking at him as they walked out and Yeonjun gave the signal

We walked out too

"Did you do it?" I asked Yuna "Yep, I got the phone in her pocket" she said

We high-fived and then slowly went to the apartment as everyone followed separately

We were in the apartment listening to the convo


Thanks for letting me in
No problem
Is this a picture of you?
Yep, that's me and my cousin
I'll be right back, I'm gonna put a new shirt on, you can go in the fridge and take anything you'd like
Thank you

Ryujin comes back

Sorry to keep you waiting
Your fine, does anyone else live here?
Nope, just me, I don't stay at places long, I move a lot since I'm a traveler
Oh can we exchange numbers then?
Thanks, Have you meet anyone along the way in your travels, a loved one or something
Oh um haha I did meet someone

Beomgyu's ears perked up real fast as Lia just laughed at him

Really? Who?
Well he's 6 inches taller then me, he's got black hair and he always makes me laugh
Sounds nice, do you miss him?
Oh god yes, everyday, but we got into a fight
Why don't you visit him, make up and possibly have a future together
Well that's the thing, I can't just go anywhere I want
Oh you don't have enough money to go back
No no I do, I just can't, you know, it's one of those things you can't talk about and you confused on
Oh I have a couple of those

I bet you do

Anyway what's he like, he seems like a fun person
He is, he makes anyone around him comfortable and he just loves everything that's important to him
I miss him a lot
You should be the stronger one okay, I'm sure you meet each other
I try not to actually, because if I'm the strongest then who lends me a hand?

She said and we can hear her get up

If I may ask before I leave, what's his name

Choi Beomgyu

Hope you like this one better then the last, I have a lot of stuff planned for the next one, it will get spicier I promise :)

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