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Beomgyu's POV
I was walking and contemplating if I should just risk it and go after her, fling open the door and hug her, not caring what could happen to me

Yeji told me about what happened with her interaction, she acting she didn't know her, almost like she's being controlled

If he's trying to control Tae's mom, which I still don't know why, then he probably already controlled Ryujin, she should have fought back tho, she has the same power and hella combat skills

I don't know

I heard foot steps behind me but didn't think to much about it, I just sped up a bit

But then they did too, I quickly turned to the first alley I came too and pulled out the gun I had in my pocket

As soon as they turned the corner I put the gun up and was about to pull the trigger when I saw a pair of beautiful brown eyes wide and in fear

I quickly put it done and couldn't stop staring at her but she kept looking back and looked scared

"Would you stop staring at me, you need to leave fast" she said but all I could do is smile at her "What?" She asked

"You didn't change" I said and she just rolled her eyes at me "You need to leave Beomgyu" she said and pushed me to go

"Why? What about you?" I said "I'll be fine, please!" She said whisper-yelling the last part

I nodded and turned around going to the other end of the alley, I peaked from the wall as I saw a tall black figure walk to her

He slapped her and I really wanted to run up there and slap the living shit out of him but I stopped myself

"You think I didn't know?" He said which had me confused "He snapped his fingers and a bag went over my head" the last thing I heard was Ryujin crying before being knocked out

Soobin's POV
I felt a pain in my chest, I didn't know why but I had a bad feeling that something happened

"Where's Beomgyu, why isn't he back yet" I said, I haven't seen him in a while "I don't know, I can do check" Yeji said "Hyung go with her" I said and they both headed out

"Hyung!" I heard Kai say from the other rooms "What is it?" "Ryujin is no longer in her apartment, hasn't been back for a while, you don't think they met each other do you?" He said and that's the last thing I wanted to think of

"Get your stuff, we're all going out" I said and we all got ready to leave

Yeji's POV
"I wonder if they ran into each other" Yeonjun said "Who?" "Ryujin, Kai said she left and hasn't comeback" "Well if they did where are they?" "And if they didn't?" "We find Beomgyu" I said and he looked at me confused "And Ryu, right?" "Don't call her that" I said with an angry tone, hitting his shoulder on purpose as I walked ahead with an angry face

"Wow, calm down kitten, just because kitty got claws doesn't mean she needs to use them" he said and I gave him a unimpressed look "Why are you so mad at Ryujin right now?" He asked and I began to tell him

It's a couple minutes after our mission and I need to take a shower but didn't have any shampoo or conditioner

"I'm heading out, should be back in about 30 minutes or less" I said "To the store?" Chaeryoung asked "Yep, why?" "Can you pick up this stuff, it's for Mrs. Kang" she said handing me a piece of paper with a checklist and some cash

I have her a thumbs up and headed down to the store

I went in and saw Ryujin, that's right we spilled coffee on her before she could get what she needed

I put my mask up a little higher and my hat a little lower

I got what I needed, now I just need to go over to the section where Ryujin is to get Chear her stuff

I went over there and I was right behind her, our backs turned to each other

I went and reached for the seasoning I needed, it was at the top shelf, then a hand reached for it for me

I looked down and she was standing on a stool, it was Ryujin

I slowly looked up and she gave me a blank look, not like her self at all

She looked really suspicious when walking out, she walked out and went to the right, not to her house

I payed for my stuff and then went to follower her but by the time I almost passed an alley way, I was pulled in

"You think your better then me huh" Ryujin said to me in a cold tone staring at me with no emotion "No but we are suppose to be a team and some have other stronger points then others" she just sneered and slapped me

"You were always such a fake friend, always stealing all the attention from everyone, I feel bad for Yuna, Lia, and Chaer, there actually my friends" She said and I felt like someone just stabbed me

"What are you talking about?" I said holding back tears "Your parents, through you out and then took you back for the fame, you think I don't read? I know about your relationship with your parents, I heard it's a sensitive topic" She said and a tear I couldn't hold back feel out as I was now looking down, hands clenched

She giggled and I could see the smirk on her face "I don't know what your problem is Ryujin, you might be being controlled or not, but my parents is to far" I through a punch and for her, she through one a I doudged it grabbing her arm and bringing her close to my face

"Now look who's the fake friend" I said and tossed her on the ground walking back "It isn't over, he's getting one of you, he told me" I stopped in my tracks

"What's that suppose to mean?" She purposely bumped my shoulder before smirking "you'll see"

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