022 | 𝔾𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜

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Lia's POV
I don't know what it was, it was almost like I couldn't breathe, I could feel Yuna's wide eyes on me then back at Chaeyoung

"Your lying, your just trying to get in my head" I said and she just laughed "Lia Lia Lia, you could be anymore dumb" She said getting closer then putting her hand on my shoulder

I grabbed her hand and twisted it around to her back, she grunted "Tell me the truth, you started it didn't you" I said tears in my eyes hoping it wasn't true all she did was give off an evil laugh

Yeji's POV
"What's taking them so long, they should be here by now, it doesn't take that long" I said and Soobin took out his phone "Lia isn't responding or picking up my calls" He said

I was about to say something when a women came out of her room in a hospital gown "Hello?" She said and we all turned our heads, it was Nayeon "Unnie!" Chaer shot up and was about to hug her but then stopped herself "Oh can I?" She said Nayeon nodded "I'm not that burned, did you see Jinseo yet?" she said worried as Chear back up breaking up the hug "No we haven't yet, do you know what room?" Beomgyu asked and she nodded then walked away signaling us to follow

Soobin tapped my shoulder "I'm gonna go find Lia and Yuna ok?" He said and I nodded and then caught up with everyone else

Lia's POV (back a couple of minutes)
I let go of her and she showed me a video, it was a video of a boy around the same height as Soobin going to the house and then starting a fire, you couldn't see his face tho "You can't see his face, how do you know" Yuna said and then she just smirked at us clicking a button that paused the video right when he looks up, she zoomed in and then enhanced the video

I gasped and then the tears that formed in my eyes finally dropped down my face "No, that can't be true" "Sorry Lia it is" She said then walked to the door "My business is done, I haven't checked in Nayeon but I'm sure she's dead" She said and then laughed leaving

I dropped to the floor and was a crying mess "Unnie, I'm so sorry" Yuna said and came to me giving me a hug, I could hear in her voice that she was also tearing up

"He was like a brother to me...your not alone...please don't be too sad" Yuna said and her words only made me stronger, I stood up "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed and I'm done" I said, I grabbed Yuna's hand and I rushed out the door wiping my tears along the way

Yeji's POV (present time)
Before I turned around I saw Lia, she looked a little upset and ignored Soobin "Chaja" She said too me before walking towards the others, I grabbed her hand and Yuna stopped as well "What's wrong?" I said and she looked up at Soobin who was walking over "Well talk later" She said then walked away as Soobin stopped near me "What did I do?" "I don't know but it's Lia so I'm guessing something bad"

We both walked towards the room everyone was going into, there was Jinseo

He was laying there almost lifeless and I would have thought so until I saw his chest moving up and down

He had a few burn marks in his arms, those will definitely leave scars

"He will wake up soon but he will forget somethings, it isn't severe so he will remember you but not all the memories with you" The doctor said and we were worried but relieved at the same time

"So he won't remember the fire?" Nayeon asked "No but when he sees fire in the future it might bring back memories, so things he forgets, if you do them again he might remember" "Thank you" Nayeon bowed and the doctors bowed back leaving the room

"Well we have to get going Noona but will you call us when he wakes up?" Soobin said after looking at his phone

We all walked out to the car, Soobin sat in one seat in the front of the car and Lia sat in the back, I sat next to Soobin instead

"Do you know what she's avoiding me?" He asked "She said we'll talk later, right now I don't know why" I said and he sighed looking forward again

I looked back and Lia was just looking for at her feet, she looked really sad

When we made it home, I was pulled into Lia, Ryujin, and I's room by Lia

"Soobin started the fire" Lia said and I widened my eyes at her straight forward comment "What, why would you say that, that can't be true" I said "I lov- I trusted him, why would I make this up" She said "How do you know? Who told you?" "Chaeyoung is part of this group and they are bad people, Nayeon was part of it but she wanted to leave because she wanted to do good but they didn't want her too, they tried killing her, Soobin might be in the group cause he lit it, I hope he isn't but I have proof look" She said and showed me the video of Soobin lighting the fire "This is what took me and Yuna so long" She said and I was so lost at this sudden information

No way Soobin would do this, but that's him in the video

"Why did he do it, why didn't Chaeyoung do it herself" I asked and Lia became teary eyed "I don't know, the only explanation is he is a trader and apart of there organization" "We need to talk to him" I said and she shook her head fast

"I don't think that's the best decision" She said and I got what's she meant "Okay we're gonna walk out of here and pretend like we didn't talk about this, when will we tell the other" I said and she nodded then answered me "We can't do it now cause Soobin is here, just don't trust him for now" She said and I could tell in her eyes that that last sentence hurt her

"Ok" We walked out and Ryujin came up "Oh hey, I was gonna take a shower" She said and we both nodded "Okay" She said with some suspicion is her voice while squinting her eyes at us

Lia went to the kitchen and I went to the couch

Lia's POV
I walked in and I saw Soobin in the kitchen I stopped in my tracks "Oh...I-I didn't know your where" I said and looked down walking past him to the fridge, he stopped me by grabbing my arm and then turned me towards him

I looked at him in shock "Why is it so weird between us, what happened?" He said and I didn't know what to say "I'm sure you know that already" I finally said and he just sighed slowly letting go of my arm and then looking into my eyes not looking away, but I didn't cause I could look at him the same

"You can't even look at me anymore?" He said and I could here he was hurt in his voice, I did feel bad but he doesn't know how much he hurt me

"I'll be with Yeonjun cause he needs my help but when your ready to talk, I'll be ready" He said and walked off as I began to cry to myself, why do these things happen to me

Yuna's POV
It's kinda boring since there isn't anymore fighting or missions but also relieving

I went to sit next to Yeji on the couch and she was watching a Kdrama and crying, it was the sad scene "Aww Unnie what happened" I asked "They drifted apart as friends and then one girl wanted to get back but the other girl said she caaaaant" She said carrying out the last word into a sob, I just laughed at her cuteness and decided to watch with her

(Just so you know it's the scene from live in when So hyun was trying to talk with Horang in episode 6)

An hour later
Soobin's POV
"Thanks for you help" Yeonjun said to me as we finished fixing the shower that for some reason broke...

"What did you get on your phone why did we need to come here?" Yeonjun said and I remembered that I got a text from Jennie saying we needed to go to Lia's Earth tomorrow

"We need to go to Lia's home tomorrow, Jennie texted me" "Oh, okay" "And we needed to leave to get everything ready and pack, since we finished I was just about to tell everyone that" I said and Yeonjun nodded as he went to go pack his stuff

"Guys we need to pack, we're going to Lia's home, Jennie's orders, don't ask me why, I don't know either" I said entering the living room and then going back into my room

"I wonder what Jennie Noona would need us for at Lia's home" Yeonjun asked "I don't know either" I said folding my shirts into my suitcase

I hope nothing bad happened

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