003 | 𝕐𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕛𝕦𝕟

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I was working at the convince store as I do everyday after my classes

This lady comes up to me and asked "Do you think superpowers are real?" I freaked out cause I thought she knew about me but then she said "My son was just wondering" "Oh haha um...if you believe then sure they are, do you want to know what my super power is?" I said and he jumped shouting "Yes yes yes!" "Okay okay, I can make this quarter disappear and end up in your ear, just like teleportation"

I mean I did have that power but I'm not gonna use it infront of him, I did the magic trip my dad taught me

"Oh wow, that's so cool" the boy said and his mom said thank you and we bowed and she left

It was a couple minutes later and my shift was about to end

I was packing my stuff up and my boss came out "Hey Jun, put the boxes at the top of the shelf cause you seem to get it that high and I can't" He said with a smile

I agree and went back there

I just teleported the boxes up there like everytime to make it easier

I come out and two really pretty girls walked in and are looking around, they didn't seem like they were around here, they didn't seem familiar with our things we had on the shelves and for food

"Heyy are yall from around here?" I aksed and they both shook there head no

They looked suprised then came towards me

"Are you Choi Yeonjun?" They asked "Depends on who's asking?"  I said and then one of them spoke up "I am,Im Hwang Yeji and you?"  She said

"Oh well in that case, yes, I happen to be Choi Yeonjun" "Oh good, we need you to join us and use your teleportation to get the others" she said and I freaked and put my hand on her mouth

"Im going home Mr. Yeon" I said and headed out

"Where are you going" Yeji asked "Follow me" I said and then stopped

"Who are you, how do you know my name and how do you know I had powers" I said and the other girl that was with Yeji said "Hi, Im Lia, and we know you because we also have powers and your parents back story, looks like your parents all ready told you and activated your powers, we need your help to get the others and beat Mr. Kim from distroying everyone's lives"

I was shocked by the sudden news, I knew all of it but still it suprised me a little that there were more then just a few I had in mind

"Um...yeah, of course I'll help" I said and they looked happy

"Great we need to go to Earth 7" Yeji said

I concentrated really hard cause ive never teleported this far but I didnt want to let them down

#1 in #mitzy omg!!! Thx so much

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