027 | 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣?

747 30 16

Kai's POV
Why would anyone want to hurt Nayeon and Jinseo, I thought we already were finished once Mr. Kim came back to his senses, guess not

I sat on the couch the next day and watched TV with Beomgyu and Yeji, Lia was in the kitchen with Yuna making breakfast for all of us, everyone else was still sleeping

We heard a door and we turned our heads to see Taehyun and Chaeryeong walked out the same room, we all know that Chaeryeong was sensitive and went with Taehyun because she was really sad about what happened, but we like to mess with them so we all squinted our eyes at them

"Yah! You guys are so dirty minded" Chaer said as she hit Yeji's arm playfully, we just laughed as Chaer pouted and her face was a light pink

Then Chaer hit Taehyun in the chest playfully after he laughed and high-fived Beomgyu, messing around with her too

"Okay okay calm down, Chaeryeong will you come with me later, I need to go to the store, we're missing ingredients for the dish I wants to make" "Sure"

Soobin walked out and Ryujin walked out the other room not long after

Ryujin cuddled up next to Beomgyu and Yeji stood up "Yuck, get a room" she said walking away "Oh shut it, says the one who is obsessed with Yeonjun" Ryujin fired back "Obsessed with Yeonjun?!" She said and all of us in the couch just turned towards her and gave her the 'really' look

Yeji rolled her and walked into the kitchen bothering Lia and eating the food before it's done while Yuna slapped her hand away

Minutes passed and they were all done cooking, we sat down and started eating "Yeonjun still not up?" Yuna asked and Ryujin looked at Yeji evilly "Yeji, why don't you go get him" She said and Yeji shot her a look "But-" "No buts" Ryujin said interrupting and Yeji stood up "Fine" she walked off rolling her eyes once again as Ryujin just smiled in victory and continued eating

Yeji's POV
"Yeonjun-ah" I said quietly, I walked over the the current and opened them, he didn't even budge

"Yeonjun" I said not as quiet as the last time and shook his shoulder a bit "Come on we are all eating alre-" I stopped mid sentence cause I was caught off guard when Yeonjun grabbed my hand making me fall on top of him

My eyes were wide open looking at him but his were still shut, I was frozen and I wanted to but also for some reason didn't want to get off

I slowly started moving but then he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him

Now I was laying on the bed facing away from him and his face was close to my neck, I could feel him breathing on my neck while I was over here forgetting how to breathe

The only thing separating us was the blanket which I was in top of and he was under

I slowly turned checking if there was a way to get out but then I stopped myself and looked up at him

He looked so peaceful and handsome

I then relaxed my muscles and just layed there, his nose, his lips, the way his eyes were beautifully closed, I don't know if I ever seen anyone this breath taking

We are always either fighting off bad people or doing other things, I never got to actually take a good look at him

His eyes started to move and I freaked out, his eyes flickered open slowly

He looked at me and his expression didn't change, but mine did, I went from looking at his face with curious eyes to shocked wide eyes

One, cause he woke up and saw me, Two, he saw me and wasn't surprised

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